Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Team D&B

hey guys this is just a quick post with a update for you on my 2nd job interview. I said it was a kinda 2nd interview it turned out to be a full interview. Then at the end they said they would like me to join their team (meaning I got the job). It's pretty much the same job I had at Islands. Hopefully it's better and it doesn't end in 8 months unless I choose so. I'm still gonna have my agent and do auditions and sometimes do extra work on my free days. Well that's it my orientation is tomorrow. Oh yeah since I work there you guys need to start going there..please.


Pete said...

Congratulations and welcome to the work force. Henceforth ye shall be known as Seamus "WB from D&B" Hollywood" Moe.

Lauri said...

Congratulations Alex!

Alex said...

Hey no more WB. And a nickname cannot be 4 words. Also get this they said if you work there you cannot drink there. Even on your day off! Can you believe that!