Sunday, March 19, 2006

Remember Me?

Sorry guys I haven't blogged in a hella long time. Nothing exciting has happened. But I did have some fun on St Patricks day. As you know I didn't go to the Crown. I actually went some friends from Joan Of Arcadia to Sardo's which is a Karaoke Bar in Burbank. I drank around 6 beers and a kamikaze shot. Sang 2 songs. It was all fun. About 60 people cheering while I sang Good Charlotte's Lifestyles Of The Rich and Famous. That really happened. Something exciting might happen soon. I haven't a kinda second interview at dave and Buster's tomorrow. Also for all you Scrubs fans it was picked up for another season not sure if it was NBC or who picked it up. I just joined My Space and hope all of you guys want to be my myspace friend. I'll talk to you later.


Pete said...

Seamus "WB Hollywood" Moe. I guess your old freinds aren't good enough anymore. Just remember the song..."Make new friends BUT keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.

Alex said...

You know I love all you guys that's a given. You are my old friends you're like family. It's NOT WB!