Saturday, March 25, 2006


hey everyone. is this my first post from tejas?... i think so. i just happened to check the blog right after pete said no one ever writes anymore. guilty as charged.

myspace has moved in on the weblog world. i always say i'm going to delete my stupid page but i never do! my sister, leslie, was actually the one who added all those fancy graphics (background and music video... lol, that sounds lame) so i feel bad. last night i was searching for old friends like a freak... i came across one who is apparently married with two kids. i don't get it! i fell behind somewhere. i guess i'm happy for her (whatever) so i sent her a little message. the crazy thing is, i can't remember why we lost touch in the first place. so maybe she hates me?...

i've been seeing this guy who i met during my stint on (haven't i told you guys about him? wow, it's been a while since i've blogged) anyhow, his name is john, he's a teacher, he came out here to visit already. fortunately he'd planned on moving to texas even before meeting me so he'll be out here in july or something after the school year ends. yay!

speaking of, four coworkers at my new job (which i heart) met their husbands there! isn't that funny? we're like living advertisements... lol. lookout e-harmony!

so my new job is coincidentally the only one i applied for... phew! and i really like it there. everyone is so nice and my supervisor is hi-larious. their dress code is business professional so i have to wear suits to work which is such a far cry from my days of t-shirts and jeans with lauri at imm. we get tons of bonuses and you can't beat their benefits. i'm very lucky.

i'm gonna clean this pigsty apartment of mine. tonight we're taking my mom out for dinner... it's her birthday. i'll write again soon... bye! (p.s. when's the due date, lauri?)

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