Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Slow Day

Hi everybody. I'm back online, I know it was a long five day wait. But as they say good things come to those who wait. So let's get going...
First off I want to rant about the quality of movies out right now. I was looking at the Top 10 movies this weekend and I can say without a doubt it is horrific. The movie Failure to Launch was number one and reading this review makes it clear to me at least that it shouldn't have been. Reinforcing my view of America as a nation of movie going dumbasses who wouldn't know a good movie if it hit them on their god damned head. Sorry. Number two was the equally embarassing remake The Shaggy Dog. Call animal control this dog of a movie should have been caged and locked up forever. Yet somehow it wrangles number two. Coming in next we have The Hills Have Eyes a remake of the 1977 Wes Craven movie. Another remake, I am sensing a trend here. This movie is best described as...I can't even come up with anything. Typical horror movie shit. I am going to stop here because I don't want to keep linking to reviews of the remaining dismal movies out now. Now you are saying to yourself once again, "Randy you didn't see these movies maybe they aren't as bad as you think." BTW I hope to God no one I know is really thinking that. Because nobody in their right mind should be subjected to having to see these movies. Anyway one last thing the only way Hollywood is going to start to put out good movies is if people don't see the shit they put out now. If nobody saw these top 3 movies this weekend maybe Hollywood would think maybe romantic comedies that aren't funny and remakes aren't the way to go. Let's come up with an original idea. Alas that won't ever happen because half of America is made up of dumb ass moviegoers who will see anything. That was my rant for the day.
Moving on to more pleasant news...How much would you pay for this Lego version of Han Solo in your apartment? I won't go into all the reasons this would be one of the ultimate coolest things ever. Because you should know. What else is happening? Apparently Britney Spears has had it with K-Fed's freewheeling spending of her money. Below is an excerpt of the story:
Ok there was going to be an excerpt of the story below but Blogger is pissing me off with this blockquote shit not working. So no excerpt instead a link. No never mind. The moment has passed. Basically K-Fed can't spend all his wife's money anymore without her approval.
That was annoying...moving on here is another pic of Salma Hayek for Joe after dissing her last week. What's next...man it is a slow day for news today. Oh here is something kinda cool. How well do you know your dead musicians? Take this Dead or Alive Quiz and find out. I scored a six out of eight. Not bad should have done better though. Oh well. Anyway I can't find anything really exciting to talk about today I am sorry.
Here are 5 DVD's out today that are definitely worth a look at:
  1. A History of Violence
  2. Good Night and Good Luck
  3. Domino
Sorry I can actually only find 3 this week and technically "Domino" came out last week. But I had five movies so I pushed it to this week. It may not be one of the best movies ever but I have three words for you Keira Knightley nude that should give you all the reason you need to rent that movie.
Well I am afraid that is it for today. Sorry about the shortness and not very linkable post. I will try harder tomorrow. For now I must bid you all adieu. Have a good night or good day depending on when you read this. Bye.


Lauri said...

Hey Tim how come you didn't blog about your Big Bear fun?!

Lynlee said...

I heard the Luke Wilson an dsomebidy else are signed on to do a movie version of Dallas (yes, the soap), and the Ice Cube (I think, it's Cube) is going to do a movie version of Welsome back, Kotter. God help us!!!!

Lynlee said...

I meant and Somebody (see above)

Jeff said...

John Travolta as J.R. is what I heard on Kevin and Bean this morning. I know nothing about Dallas the show so I could really care less. Personally, I'm waiting for "Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector" to come out. Git 'er done!

I'm just kidding.

or am I?

Randy said...

I didn't metion the great time in Big Bear cause I am not sure whether you want what happened up there published.

Jeff said...

I know this goes against everything that I stand for, but I KNOW someone else wants to put a Brokeback Mountain joke in here. Maybe something about Randy spitting on his hand...