Tuesday, November 08, 2005

34 Open Cases and I Can Still Find Time to Waste

What is up my people? Just chilling at work thought I would contribute to the blog. You know it's the right thing to do. Well I was looking at the new posts and I would like to officially welcome Owen to our little blog. Cheerio chap(do they actually say that).
Anyway I see Lauri has had enough and she isn't going to take it anymore. Right on sistah!! I wish you the best of luck in finding another job although I am sure that with your experience and skill set you won't be out of work for too long. So enjoy the time off while you got it.
What else is going on...I see Pete told you about the Applebee's experience. I unfortunately was not actually in the restaurant at the time, maybe I was in the bathroom. Anyway I didn't actually hear the server say all this. If I had I would have been quite a bit more vocal about what bullshit this was. No I wouldn't have who I am kidding I would have been the last person to say anything. I was very disappointed though I was looking forward to a few beers and maybe some wings or something. Eh, what can you do?
Alex is starting to sound a little depressed. Cheer up buckaroo. You haven't been doing this for as long as you think you have and stay strong. Plus you get to spend like 2 weeks in Alaska chilling figuratively and literally. So stop complaining.
Tim I know you think Katie is crazy but I don't know. I think maybe she is playing this whole Idaho thing on us. You know like lulling us into thinking she is this girl from Idaho...I just lost my train of thought. No biggie I don't think I was going anywhere with that.
Sheila wassup? I feel like I haven't seen or heard from you for a while. Oh wait that's right I haven't. Well I guess it's not entirely your fault only mostly.
OK now that I have pretty much said something to everybody I am going to read a book while I sit and listen to my iPod. It should be pretty fun...
Oh wait I forgot about Pete, not really. I just talked to him last night. But dude you keep it real over there at the Civic. I know that place gets on your nerves but you have a kick ass job and you are my hero. The wind beneath my wings.


Randy said...

Are you mad because I said you're not my hero?

Jeff said...

It took me a while to figure out what 34 open cases meant. I thought that you went to Costco and bought a crapload of beer and began your "Leaving Las Vegas" style suicide. All this technical jargon is killing me.

Pete said...

If anyone could dust off 34 cases of beer though, it would be Randy.