Monday, November 28, 2005


Have you heard about these dumbasses going around smashing up liquor stores in Oakland? They say the the Liquor stores are a blight on the community and therefore need to be destroyed. This is as dumb as trying to vote down a Walmart from building in your community. The answer to all these problems is so simple in a freemarket economy...Just don't fucking shop there. If you don't like liquor stores in your community, don't buy liquor from them. Trust me, if no one buys it, no one will sell it. Same thing with the Wal mart, if you don't want one in your community, don't shop there. The problem isn't with the stores beig there, its that people actually use them. I understand where the frustration comes from, I think it sucks that poor communities have liqour store on every corner and I think it sucks that small business gets pushed out by Walmart, but these are just symptoms of a larger problem. Poor people want to get drunk to escape from thier crappy lives and poor people want to buy cheap goods because, well, because they're friggin poor and can't afford anything else. Of course, once a Walmart goes up everyone will start working there for poor people wages and the cycle continues. Don't shop at Walmart, they sell crap anyway. And if you don't want a liquor store on the corner convince yourself and your neighbors not to shop there. Bustin up someone's business is a crime even if they are selling liquor, pornography, or $40 DVD players.


Jeff said...

I heard that they smashed up the stores because the owners were Muslims and it is against Islam to sell (or consume?) alcohol. The report I heard said they were "men in suits" which makes me think Nation of Islam.

Lauri said...

Know what's sad? I shop at places like $.99 store and the Dollar places cuz i'm poor. And then since i'm so sad about having nothing but cheap crap, i go out drinking whenever i can. Ah how the world turns.