Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Observation from Yesterday 11/01

A lot of people I work with like to stay past the amount of time they are scheduled for. I find this odd as I like to clock out as soon as my time is up. I think it has something to do with the culture but also some of them have wives and families and I think instead of going home to their wives and what not they would rather stay here and do nothing. Funny, huh. I think I like to leave as soon as my time is up because I don't have these problems. When I am done with work I get to go home not be bothered, watch some TV, drink some beer and eat some food. Not too exciting I am sure. But far better at this point in my life then coming home to a nagging wife and little rugrats running around vying for my attention. This is not to say that I don't want to ever get married or have kids later in life but right now I find it interesting that one guy hass been here since 6:30AM and hasn't left yet. He has a wife. I have been here since 9AM and can't wait to clock out at 6. Very interesting. Hmmmmmm...


Jeff said...

You can't wait to clock out at 6 yet you are posting from work at 7:25. Interesting.

Randy said...

Today I have to work till 10, sir. But you can believe I will be clocking out at 10PM exactly not one minute after.

Lauri said...

Its sad that men don't want to go home. Which makes me wonder why Pete didn't want to leave work yesterday. (just kidding) ;)