Monday, November 07, 2005

Alcoholic or Genius?

So I went hiking today to Mt. Echo. Its a three mile hike to the ruins of the Mt. Lowe Railway house. Anyway, I was coming down from the top and I pass this guy whos coming up. He's got a bottle of water in one hand and large can in a brown paper bag in the other. It could have been one of those Arizona teas or something but I had my suspicions. Keep in mind this was at the top of the trail and he looked like he had been running. He wasn't some bum or truant. Sure enough he passed me on the way down with his water bottle and an empty tall boy (24oz.) of Coors Light. I have a couple of theories about this mysterious hiker. 1. He is a raging alcoholic. 2. He's a damn genius. What could be a better motivator to move your ass up the trail than trying to get there before your tallboy gets warm? I'll let you be the judge.


Jeff said...

I vote for alcoholic genius because I am not very decisive. Although if I hiked to some scenic spot I would prefer to drink something a little more tasty than the Silver Bullet.

Lauri said...

I was thinking maybe an energy drink, but a beer? That's insane.