Wednesday, December 07, 2005

24 days left

Looking at my blotter this morning i saw that there are only 24 days left in the year. Then we start all over again. That's the bummer of it all. This morning i had to go pick up a co-worker at the local auto body shop. He was haggling about the price and afterwards i had told him to go to Marcos. He actually remembered Sheila talking to him about it and he plain forgot. So he'll go next time i guess. I am super over due for an oil change, i wouldn't be surprised if my oil light went on. Ok i'm exaggerating about the light coming on, but it's still been to long. Plus it dawned on me that i got my new tires last year around this time and i've never had then rotated. I'm just asking to break down somewhere. Today Sheila and I are doing more shopping during our lunch break. Yesterday's trip was pretty successful. I have to work tonight, its Warren Miller time again. On monday i took the day off. I was stressed out. I even got a cold sore from it. I felt bad not coming in on a monday and leaving Sheila to deal with it but i was not in good shape. Then on Monday...wait i have to back track. On Saturday Pete discovered that my toilet tank had a crack and it was leaking water everywhere. So i went to my manager and he said that nothing could be done until Monday. So monday came and they put in a brown toilet with a white lid. Everything in my bathroom is white. Not to mention, this brown toilet is much smaller than my old one and you can see on the wall all the different paint colors the bathroom has been over the years. I asked the manager if he had the white paint but i guess he doesn't. My bathroom now looks ridiculous. Pete and I went looking for apartments for me and nothing is affordable. I called a couple of places nearby and around town. Its all expensive and they aren't anything special either. So the search continues. And my gynecologist has retired. It hasn't been a good week for Lauri. Sheila's kitty is doing great after she had been snipped. Gretel is nice and calm now. Its starting to snow in Texas. My mom and Leslie said it was sleeting. My mom took our family dog, Millie, to the vet today for a routine checkup. She's getting old and i guess she is getting cataracts. Poor baby! Well this was an interesting blog. I covered many topics, and in no particular order either. But that's what's been happening in the life of Lauri!

1 comment:

Amanda Jane said...

i remember the days when I used to go to Warren Miller..As I recall, the last time I went Tim was wearing a camel pack with beer, and someone's girlfriend called Melanie a drunk.