Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Bob Loblaw Law Blog

does anyone watch arrested developement? if yes then you'll understand the title to this post. if no then you need to cuz that show is so damned funny! mondays at 8pm, channel 11.

it was good to see everyone last friday! it has been a long time since i've been out with you guys. and it turned out to be a night of firsts: i'd never been to the chalet or the buc before, i'd never shot a 'scooby snack', and i've never had my hair stroked by a random woman (that i can remember). anyway, i'll try to make it out more than "every other month."

sad news from megan's parents: their dog, charlie, died this past saturday. i guess he was stumbling on his walk the night before and wouldn't eat or get up after that. saturday morning they found him dead on his little bed :( poor guy... i'll miss him. he was my buddy.

work has been draining... i'm so over this place. if lauri and i aren't bored sick then we're pissed off at the retards we work with. and we just found out that another coworker is pregnant. it's getting a little gross now.

(hey pete, i'm compiling a list of new music for you to check out. you'll have it soon.)

1 comment:

Lauri said...

I miss Charlie already!