Monday, December 26, 2005

The Good Times are Killin me

There was a great article in last year's edition of The Best Science and Nature Writing. It was all about introverts and introverted behavior. As it turns out, I am an introvert. Some of the symptoms? I do not enjoy meeting new people. I cannot be the center of attention. I find most social situations mentally draining. This last symptom surfaced big time this past Christmas day. After socializing all day with family and friends, I was assailed by an overwhelming urge to kick everyone the fuck out of my house, or my parents house as it were, and sit quietly for about an hour. I just couldn't listen intently, look people in the eye, answer or ask questions anymore. This isn't to say that I didn't enjoy the holidays, because I did. i just have to take my social gatherings in measured doses.
Anyway, so me and Lauri went hiking today. Actually we went to the boat because it was raining and then it was clearing when we came out of the boat so we figured we better go hiking. While hiking I realized that my stomach had been full since wednesday. I longed for a sense of emptiness in my belly, a chance to digest. So I'm officially fasting, I think through tommorow. I need to detox. As we were starting down from Echo Mountain, we overheard a group of parents calling Sherriff's search and rescue because they had lost two of their boys. Night was closing fast otherwise I might have volunteered to wander the trails around there to look for them. But then again I've been hking while the Sherriff's helicopter is looking for people, it quite a sight and those guys know what they're doing so I was confident the boys would be found. they were adolescents and probably just wandered off temporarily. I was looking forward to seeing that helicopter again, but the sherriffs were slow to mobilize, when we got to the bottom of the trail an hour later, there was no helicopter or searcha nd rescue team, only a black and white with a sherriff on the radio. As we drove down Lake the SAR jeep was just getting to the trailhead. I hope everything turned out okay. Seeing that brought back and old itch though, how awesome would that job be? Just hiking around the mountains, loking for people. I could get down with that for sure.

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