Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I'd like to start off this post by saying THANK YOU to all of you who came to my birthday night out. It was awesome! I got drunk (which is the main goal right?), and i got a drink spilled on me by some random drunk person. Fun times if you ask me.

I've been busy finishing my Christmas shopping this week, but other than that it hasn't been to exciting. On Saturday i had one of my last physical therapy sessions. Then i went to work that night. It was some Chinese Christmas concert. One of the oddest things i'll remember from that show is when a Chinese woman starting singing Feliz Navidad. I don't think i'll see that again in my life time. Then Sunday was my day off. I was going to go shopping all day and not come home till i was done! Well the day started off wrong when i woke up at 1pm. Not exactly hitting those early bird sales was i? After calculating the amount of money i could spend i hit the road. Now i fully expected to deal with crowds at the mall and the parking lot...but it was INSANE. I have never seen anything like that. I went to the Santa Anita Mall. For those of you who know this mall, i was in a car line that started at the freeway. So i stuck it out thinking that it was a huge exaggeration of what was really to come...it wasn't! I finally made it to the mall enterance near JC Penney/Race Track. I was going to park in the "boonies" section to avoid all people but that was jam packed. Everything was jam packed. I looked for a spot to park (along with everyone else) for almost 30min then gave up. If i tried any longer i would have flipped out. So then i got in a car line to get out of the mall. I can't imagine what the inside off the mall looked like and gathering from the view outside i bet things weren't pretty inside (clothes and shoes and children...everywhere!!) Pete called during this mess and asked me to work that night (see "Ode to Randy and Lauri") I figured i wasn't going to be shopping, so i might as well make some money. I went to work to help Pete. It went smoothly. Then we (Randy, Pete and I) went to Applebee's for late night happy hour. Pete was all wound up from the day. We all ended the day relaxed though.

I'm gonna be taking Friday off of work. I wanna relax. Plus a 4 day weekend ain't bad. Maybe i'll go to the beach, it is like 80 degrees here. No white xmas here in California!!


Amanda Jane said...

Lauri I would like to apologize for not making it to the Chalet...But from the sound of it you may not have remembered if we were there or not! I'm glad you had a good time...

Lauri said...

I totally would have remembered if you guys came. Now after the Chalet and on to the Buc, then probably not. But i'm still glad you made it to the Boat. Thank you for coming.