Wednesday, December 07, 2005


This title is appropriate because I am thinking about what I can possibly write about and I got nothing. It is sad that my life is so unfull of adventures and just interesting things in general that when I get on this blog to tell you what's new, I can't think of a single thing.
I finally caved in and bought some Christmas tunes for my iPod. You know tis the season and what not. I haven't done any X-Mas shopping yet but I think I will get started on that this week and finish up next week. I don't have many people to buy for. has been normal I guess. I just come in, do my shit and hang out till it's time to hit the road. It's not too bad, I get a lot of hours without having to do much work. They probably think I am lazy, yet I am pretty sure I have the least amount of open cases so they can kiss my white ass. Just cause I know how to get shit done efficiently is no reason to be mad at me, right?
Nothing on the girl scene so I will just skip over that one.
I think I might take a walk tomorrow. Maybe instead of driving to the mall I will walk. It's not too far it'll be good exercise. If I decide to leave the house which at this point is up in the air.
So I have started to make up like a fake week kind of. I figure that this is now my Friday night because I have tmw and the day after off. Those are like my Saturday and Sunday. And then on Saturday my new week of work starts so Sat is really Monday. It's not really interesting, I know. But I am running out of stuff to talk about and I still have 2 hours left.
Alright well I have bored you enough by now. So people I know it's the holidays and people tend to get frustrated by the masses and maybe even down on humanity. But lets try to keep upbeat and not kill the supid retards who are over running the world.
Happy Holidays!!

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