Monday, December 26, 2005

Monday night and a CD...

Hey everybody I was just at work and figured I might as well blog instead of staring at the clock or spending too much money on iTunes. So here I am.
This weekend marked Christmas as you all know. This Christmas was different than any other I have experienced before. This Christmas was not spent with my family. Unless you have been living under a rock you should know my parents live in Alaska and I unfortunately now having a full-time job with no vacation days spent the holidays here. Don't cry for me though I had a great Christmas Eve at Tim's house and a great Christmas Day with the DeClerks and the others who joined us for dinner and what not. So even though this Christmas was different than any others I have had. It was by no imagination a bad one or even slightly disappointing. Just thought I should let everyone know that. Anyway so last night after I got home I talked to all my relatives and wished them Merry Christmas and all it was typical. I also called some of my friends and wished them a Merry Christmas either in person, voicemail, or text message. So now until next year Merry Christmas time to move on to the Party of the Year New Year's.
So yeah New Year's is quickly approaching, do you know what you're doing yet? I don't yet but I am sure whatever I do I will have an awesome time. Worse case scenario I get toasted by myself on New Years but I highly doubt that happening(fingers crossed).
Today was super busy at work. I didn't really expect it to be but I was none too happy to realize it would be and while I am here till 10:30 with Kristian. Everyone else had a half-day. Can you believe that bullshit? Man I am getting screwed. Anyway so I have just been here reading EW's Best of 2005 issue and checking out other Best Of Lists on the Internet while taking calls from annoying people who don't understand anything about the computers they work with almost every day. It can become grating people.
So inspired by Pete making a CD I decided to totally steal his idea and make my own CD. Now while many of you probably don't respect my musical taste. This one is not all me. I actually while checking out the Best of lists I took some of the albums they had listed and took a song I liked from them. Now while some of these songs I already owned some I am now listening to for the first time right now. I must say so far I am impressed with my taste. So I realize I will not get you all clamoring for my CD like you clamor for Pete's creations but that is OK. Pete does have better taste in music than I do, there I said it. But just in case you do request one. You will receive an eclectic mix, kind of, of what I think are some of the Best Songs of the Year. Not the Most Popular so unfortunately no Gwen Stefani "Hollaback Girl", Black Eyed Pea's "My Humps" or D4L's "Laffy Taffy" which coincidentally happens to be one of the worst songs this year and possibly ever. So anyway gimme a shout if you want an eclectic mix of songs you may have heard of and some you may not have heard.
Alright folks this is beginning to become an overly long post and nobody likes those, especially when I start to ramble. So I am cutting it off here and am going to focus on something I haven't thought of yet. So Peace Out y'all and Happy New Years!!!

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