Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A decision has been made!

After many years of thinking about it and saying that I'm going to quit my job, I've never done it...until now. I am making plans to quit my job. I've come to the realization that no matter how much money they pay me, I'll never be happy. When I give them my two week notice I hope they freak out. I think they will. Of course we all hope that the bosses freak out when we leave. Maybe they won't even care. And if that's the case, great. Even if they freak out and give me a raise of $100,000 a year, I still won't stay. This place sucks. So I'm saving my money, getting a cheaper place to live, working hard at the civic and then I look for a new job. I see myself escaping around Feb or Mar. I can do it, I know I can. I'm young, I don't have kids or a mortgage. I can and will do this. If any of you know of any places available to live or work, let me know. This is the year of change!! Look around for a moment......people we know are changing careers, getting healthier, moving, getting married, having children, graduating.....Its all happening so fast and I don't want to be left behind by the change train. Wish me luck! :)


Pete said...

Next summer will be: THE SUMMER OF LAURI

Lauri said...

heck yeah!

Jeff said...

There are some cheap apts in Sylmar. Really though, it seems like Eagle Rock and Highland Park are becoming the hip places to be these days. Then we could get hammered at the Chalet and sleep on your floor. Don't forget to check graiglslist.

Randy said...

Good Luck