Monday, February 07, 2005

Day Two: Pete (or where the hell are my videos)

So First off Randy, this Invite shit ain't working and until it does no one is gonna post except for you and me.So I was planning this movie night where we would watch the Spaghetti Westerns with Clint Eastwood. I went to the Blockbuster and Hollywood videos near my house and they didn't have them. Then I went to one in BFE because I remembered they had a lot bigger selection. The only one they had was Fistful of Dollars. What the fuck y'all these are classics of American Cinema. I can friggin rent Short Circuit 2 if I wanted to but God forbid I rent a western dubbed like a Kung Fu movie and shot in Italy. Of Course I could buy them at Tower records for like $30 each but who wants to do that? So movie night is going to be put on hold for the time being until I can figure something out. Maybe its worth looking into NetFlix. Hey Ed has Netfilx thats an interesting idea. Right now I'm listening to the new Death Cab for Cutie CD. Its fairly good, nothins really jumped out of the speakers at me yet though.I wanted to say a few words about school today but like Randy said I ain't feelin all that hot so I'll maybe save it for tommorow.Peace out to all my dogs from Grove st.

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