Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Landmark Day...

It was a bit of a landmark day in that it was epically uneventful and yet not so. I showed up at Randy and Alex's at about 12:30; the primary concerns at that point were:

Number 1: Get in some GTA San Andreas playing time. (I can only play it there because my playstation is dying and refuses to play that game in its last days)

Number 2: Lunch. Always a topic of intense debate. Some of us are picky eaters and some of us refuse to give any input at all, other of us just want speed and convenience.

Number 3: Get the blog up and running properly.

Frankly, I just didn't know what to do first. I guess I got to gaming first, I hadn't had a fix in quite a while. Then I got the blog up and running properly. It was quite a task creating a whole new blog and copying and pasting the old posts, but here we are no worse for the wear.
Of course, the day was wearing on and lunch became a concern. Alex couldn't take the waiting anymore and made himself some cheesebread from Clearman's. I was like "Hey, make me some of that bread." But he was like "No!"
I continued working the blog and playing GTA. Alex was getting upset because it was 3 o'clock and we hadn't had lunch or made plans to do anything. I offered to go the Natural History Museum but was heartily rebuffed, Alex firing off a tyrade about how there were no "friend" Dinosaurs. Randy was as confused as you are right now so I suggested that perhaps Alex was referring to characters like Denver the last Dinosaur. He was your friend and a whole lot more. The Norton Simon and Getty Museums were similarly scoffed at as possible activities. Was I serious in my offerings? It's hard to say.
At four o'clock I decided it was time for more action and less talking; we piled into Alex's car without a destination in mind other than the bank. Suggestions for eating ranged from Sushi to Red Lobster to Claim Jumber happy hour but in the end I pitched a bit of a fit about spending too much money and we ended up with fast food. Oh well.
Back to more blogging and gaming back at the house. As you can see we got these nifty comic book pics on the site. We thought it prudent to reveal early on our favorite super heroes. Otherwise how would you REALLY get to know a person.
Alex wanted to pick Havok from the X-men but couldn't find a good pic so he has yet to post...anything. He really does exist and is not a figment of my imagination. Or is he?
One of the greatest experiences of my life was ordering Dominoes 555 deal. At first I was skeptical, it sounded too good to be true. But as it turns out its a pretty good deal. There really is noting like having your own pizza pizza right in front of you. I didn't even need a plate. I offered to trade Randy a piece of my peeperoni for a piece of his sausage but he was not havin it. We watched 24 and then a bit of wrestling (I don't usually watch wrestling, but will not apologize for finding it oddly entertaining from time to time. Keep your highbrowed judgements to yourself.)
Converstions ranged from "Is that Eric Roberts in that Killers video?" It is, Alex checked. To "Who would win in a fight Nelly or Ja Rule?" The answer is Nelly he would bite JaRule with his metal teeth.
Oh sure, there were times during the day when panic set in when I came to realization that I was doing absolutely nothing productive but thats just stinkin thinkin. There were some great coversations and I laughed a lot so that can be important for mental health right. Am I right?

1 comment:

Lauri said...

What a day you all had. Geez Pete i better stop reading your posts, otherwise i won't have to ask how your day was. Then we'll have nothing to talk about and eventually break...oh i mean eventually not be friends. :P