Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Hey guys it's Alex. Sayin wussup to all the pretty ladies who read this...if any do. I worked Entourage today and I realized that they were all kinda cool. Mostly Kevin Conolly (Unhappily Ever After, John Q) who took time out to say Hi to all of the extras which doesn't happen a lot. Also Freddy Carrera(don't know anything else he was in) who was talkin to some people (including me) about video games. Kevin Dillon and Adrien Grenier didn't talk to me. Adrian was fighting with the producer about using his sidekick (the text,phone,web thing) before the scene. Kevin Dillon was busy trying to make a deal for an X-Box (we were working at a game store) he said he was tired of his PS2 or maybe he knows X-Box is far more superior. Whatever. Tommorrow I'm going to The Fuse VJ casting call all the way in San Diego and I'll try to post tommorrow what happened. Later!


Pete said...

Aren't you worried that you might need your tape which you don't have? Good Luck, say hi to Marianela and that other goth chick for me.

Randy said...

Julia is the other chick Pete. and please XBox is so not superior to PS2. I got 5 words for you:
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas!!