Thursday, February 17, 2005

Lament for an oil filter wrench

An oil filter wrench is not like other wrenches in that it serves but one purpose, to change oil filters. Once I owned an oil filter wrench. It was beautiful. It had a shiny orange plastic handle and was the perfect size for 4-cylinder vehicles. Alas, when I when looking for my oil filter wrench, which I had hung neatly on a nail in the garage, it was lost. Anyone who has seen my garage knows its not a good place to be lost in; rather like falling into a black hole. Fruitlessly I searched, hoping against hope that it would be found. It was not to be. I went to get a new tool that could only be used for thing today, because someone had thrown away my oil filter wrench. I, of course, bought the wrong size and had to exchange it later in the day. This new wrench could be good too...I suppose. Missing is the shiny orange handle; replaced by a clunky black one. I don't want to rule out that there may be god times with this new wrench... But it will never be as special as it was with one who is now lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pete... i'm sorry for your loss.