Monday, February 07, 2005

Pete: A Long Day's Journey into the End of This Freakin Shift

Well, I'm at work. On Super Sunday. Yep Yep Yep. You know working on Sundays here isn't so bad. You come in, you say hello to the clients and you go to Starbucks for a Cup of Coffee and a Sunday paper. You can kill a good two hours playing with the paper. The problem comes at lunch time when you realized you haven't gotten a single call and probably won't all day. Which I haven't. I just finished with the paper and am staring down the barrel of 4 more hours to kill. Meanwhile my brothers are probably drinking bloody Marys and gearing up for the game.
I guess I could think of a movie quote for the day...Lets see...Here's One...
I don't know if this is exact so my apologies to Donald Sutherland

"Quit hittin' me wit dem negative waves Moriarty...It's a mother beautiful bridge... and it's gonna be there."

Its from Kelly's Heroes

I'll Post again in a few when I have something deep to talk about.

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