Friday, February 18, 2005

Okay So...

So normally I try to keep a fairly positive outlook and when I'm feeling shitted on I try to count my blessings, but as of late things are starting to pile up and really starting to make me angry. First of all, I smashed my car and now it looks like shit and I have no sideview mirror. AND I no longer have the money to fix it. Second, my back brakes have gone to hell and are probably ruining my drums and I have no money to fix them either. My classes this quarter completely suck, I have no interest in either of them, yet they are required courses. Strange how that works out. My job makes no sense to me anymore, people tell me from one day to the next that I'm superfluous or that I should be making more money. Fuck all of you mind your own goddamn business. Over the last 3 months I think I've gained twenty pounds and I have no desire to go through the hardship of losing it again but I'm no longer comfortable in any of my clothes. Lastly and foremost on my mind at this moment is the issue of my playstation. Even as I write this I see how trivial some might find this... The problem is that the fucking thing does everything except the one FUCKING thing I want it to do. I tried to fix it today with a fix I found on the internet. It was working great, I felt so happy that I had accomplished something. I bragged to everyone how I had fixed it myself. When I got home a few hours later, it was right back in the same state it was before I left. If its going to be broken, be broken. Don't do everything but the thing I want it to that's just cruel. I'm pissed. I know it sounds stupid but I'm fucking pissed. I'm sorry if this is a downer and I know its too personal but that's what this blog is about, everyday shit, and right now the everyday shit is about to make me lose my everyday mind. motherfuck motherfuck mother mother fuck FUCK!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Well Pete you sure have dug yourself into a hole. Better start crawling out or you'll die. Fix one thing at a time. We can figure something out. ttyl about it.