Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Well Then...

Less whining and more blogging.
So Randy and Alex got a DVR box (aka TiVo) for their cable. The best part of which is the ability to, at 11pm, record the Simpsons while watching Family Guy or vice versa and then watching the other at 11:30pm. I think this may represent the height of human technology. Aside from medical advancements, what else do we really need?

I bought a book called The Best American Essays of 2004, aside from one good essay about the Matrix I find this book to be pretty lame. Most of the essays start out pretty good, if not a bit self consciously stylistic, but then they go on to ramble terribly. What happened to brevity being the soul of wit? In contrast The Best American Science and Nature writing of 2004 was chocked full of great articles. I thought that an essay was meant to elucidate a point of view; most of these are just rambling remanisances. Or maybe they are just over my head. Oh, you're so bloody brilliant with your symbolism and your allegory.

Okay im writing this at work and I share a desk with the dept. secretary and on her desk is a copy of the latest Star magazine with a picture of a seemingly distraught Jessica Simpson, the headline is: "Fighting and Crying". Yes, I'm tempted to read it even though I know its a bunch of crap. I must resist...must not dumb myself down...Oh, fuck it.

So apparently Nick is sick of Jessica's whining and has been hanging around with other women at parties. Scandalous. Plus, there is a riff involving Jessica's dad. Nick thinks he's too invovled in Jessica's life. Sooo exciting.

Movie Quote of the Day:
"Any man doesn't wanna get killed better clear on out the back."


Lauri said...

I'm sorry Pete that the only ones who read and comment on your blog are me and sheila. that defeats the purpose. apparently randy and alex are so incredibly busy catching up on their tv watching that they can't blog. it sucks. and what's even worse is that they are obviously not reading the blogs either, otherwise they would comment on yours. it happens on my blog too though. no one comments so i might write one a day. or sheila will blog. maybe we should just give it up.

Pete said...

I will never give up. I might kick them off as administrators though and take over the blog for myself. Then I will be supreme ruler of the blogosphere. HAhHAHAHAHAH....HAHAHAHAHAHH.