Tuesday, February 15, 2005

So many things...

Well kids lots to talk about here. I hope I can keep my attention focused long enough to write it all down.

In my job I work with the public and I think a strange trend has emerged in the American public. This weekend I had about 5000 people come through my venue over the course of the weekend. Three people vommitted and not because they were drunk. Because they were simply sick. What's disturbing is that they didn't know their bodies well enough to know that they were too sick be in public. One lady vomitted on herself and all over the floor inside the theater and then made her family clean her up. People sitting around her had to smell vomit for the rest of the show. Thats just bad form. Additionally, I find that more people under the age of sixty claim to be completely unable to climb stairs, up or down. They buy tickets for the balcony and are completely offended at the prospect of having to climb a single stair. Five years ago, if we got a patron in a wheelchair they were more than 90% likely to be sat in the wheelchair section because they were unable to transfer to a regular theater seat. Now its just the reverse, almost everyone who arrives in a wheelchair is able to stnd up and transfer to a reagular theater seat. Have these folks simply given up being ambulatory and are they so content to give their mobility to others. I know and have known people who are confined to wheelchairs and would probably give anything to not have to be. I find putting someone in a wheelchair that can actually walk sickening. I'm not going to mention people who let themselves get so fat they can no longer walk. I've seen too many of them already in my lifetime.
Then there are those that are not physically disabled but are so emotionally and mentally unprepared to be in public that they require constant babysitting by the strangers around them. Case in point, we had an elderly woman come to the show this weekend who had hired a driver to bring her to the show and pick her up a the end. Huge surprise when the driver no showed. Problem one: She was too sick to wait outside for the driver. Problem two: She had no cell phone and no way to get a hold of him. Problem three: her personal belongings were left in the car. So even when we called a cab for her she wouldn't be able to get into her condo. Problem four: She was at my facility so now all of her problems were now my problems. She had put her well being in a stranger's hands. Something I would never do.

Frickin' Fake Guide Dogs
Rich fucks have found a new way to bring their toy dogs into public facilities. Some asshole company is selling little doggie jackets that resemble the ones worn by guide dogs. As if a fucking pug can be a guide dog. Again, I find it repugnant. If you rich fucks are trying to mock the blind you've find a genius way to do it. Bastards.

There were a thousand other examples of people making nuisances of themselves this weekend, but most of it was just the usual customer service bullshit we always put up with so I'll spare you.

Movie Review: Million Dollar Baby
I saw the movie with Lauri tonight. I really liked it. I especially like the fact that its pissing so many people off. I admire Clint Eastwood for making a movie that starts out like Rocky with a girl and then becomes something serious that asks serious questions. By not advertising it that way its as if Eastwood is tricking the public of their comfortable happy endings. I like that, we need to be kicked in the ass when it comes to what we see at the theater sometimes. The script is great, its very truthful. The acting is great. The best part of the movie is the character study. The characters are nuanced in a way thats rare in movies. Like the best characters they are neither all good nor all bad they are simply very human.
One of the questions the film asks is "Is religion the best guide for morality?" This really got me thinking. I think I might get some thoughts down on that in a bit. But for now, I'm going to leave you with a message for the filthy fuckers that talked behind me during the whole movie. I hope you fucking rot in hell you ignorant...I can't think of a curse strong enough to describe how much I fucking hate you.


Lauri said...

Sheila says: Three people vomitted on themselves this weekend?! I'm repulsed. And you were right in saying that those disgusting little lap dogs wearing fake guide dog vests is as equally repulsive. Maybe more so. I don't know how something so cute as a furry little doggie can make me SO PISSED OFF just by seeing them stuffed into a handbag on the shoulder of some rich broad.

As for the movie review, i don't know if i'll be seeing Million Dollar Baby or not, but thanks for the warning about the religious content.

Lauri said...

great blog Pete! i forgot that you wanted to cover all that stuff. i agree with you.