Thursday, October 06, 2005


One of my favorite movies is Spike Lee's Malcolm X. Right at the end of the movie there is a song that I never thought much about. Its really good song but it blends so well wth whats going on in the movie, I never thought about it independent from the movie. Then, about two weeks ago, I'm working this huge Alumni Party and the band plays this song. The singer says "you all remember Sam Cooke right?" At first I don't remember where its from. But then it hits me. So I go home and download the song. I've been listening to it on and off ever since. The song is called "A change gonna come". This month's Rolling Stone has an article about how Sam Cooke started the Civil Rights movement with a song called "A change gonna come". My life is filled with little coincidences like that. Its hard not to lend signifigance to them. Is life a series of coincidence? Or do you believe in the interconnectedness of all things?


Lauri said...

I believe in interconnectedness. I mean how many times and people have we known that we say "God what a small world!" Sometimes its a very very strange thing.

Jeff said...

This is straight out of "Lost" where Harley's winning lotto numbers keep popping up everywhere. I guess I am admitting that I am addicted to that show.