Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday night

Hey everyone sorry it's been so long since I have written. I have been kinda busy at work and too lazy as well. So it's around 9PM right now and I am sitting at work all alone. I am listening to my iPod and wishing I had a time travel machine so I could travel forward an hour and leave. But alas no time machine so I am forced to sit here for another hour and listen to my iPod.
I am pretty stoked about this week though, I have Thursday and Friday off, which is pretty cool. In addition on Saturday and Sunday I am off by 6PM which is far superior to getting off at 10PM and it allows me to go to any weekend parties that may be going on. So I am pretty excited. I need to know if Tim is going to be Han or not so I can either decide on Chewie or think of something else. Anyway time is dragging right now and all I want is to go home and have a beer. Man life can be so unfair sometimes.
Fuck I don't know what to write about actually I don't have anything to write about, but making it sound like I don't know what I should talk about makes it sound like I actually have something to write about. So now that I have confused myself I am going to sit here listen to my iPod and hope that next time I open my eyes it is 10. Bye.


Pete said...

Your posts SUCK!

Jeff said...

Someone got a bug up his ass today. Pete needs a strong drink and a nap.

Pete said...

Read this post compared to his last post. They are both about how long he has left to leave work. And how he has nothing to say. Goddamn. Tell a fucking story or something. Make some shit up.

Anonymous said...

You can not see something positive?