Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oktoberfest (or what DOES come out a chicken's butt?)

Let me just say that I went into this year's Oktoberfest with some trepidation for two reasons. The first was that last years Oktoberfest almost killed me, I was so drunk i pissed in the wastebasket in my bedroom to avoid a trip to the bathroom that might hive made me throw up. I was hungover for a full day afterward. The second reson is that this years Oktoberfest was at Matt Denny's instead of the Crown.
I knew it was gonna be a good day, however, because we started out at the Nano Cafe with omlettes and Mimosa's. We took duel Cabs to MD's to avoid drunk driving. Actaully, all it did was force other less drunk people to drive our drunk asses home. At first I panicked because it looked like all they had were reserved tables. But those in our group who had connections around the place got a place to sit down. Things progressed nicely after a few chicken dances and Ziggy Ziggy Ziggies.
The chicken dance happens when the band plays a song that goes "what comes out a chicken's butt? What comes out a chicken's butt? Its not an egg." The funniest part of the day was when it occurred to Lauri what it was that came out a chicken's butt. Its Poop. She went around telling everybody about the poop. It was great. Some people got really hammered, some moderately. I could say more but I'm goin to bed.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

I felt that the kids were left hanging, its an educational song. What comes out of chicken's butt? Its not an egg. So what it is? It's poop! Educational!