Tuesday, October 11, 2005

a friend of the devil is a friend of mine

i don't know when the last time i blogged was, but it's been a while. my mom and sister are in town staying with me. it's a tight squeeze but what's a girl to do? drop them off at a motel6? our weekend together was nice... we went to check out this year's la fiesta grande or whatever at the church. it was pathetic as predicted. but we sat down for a beer and then took off. what else? we went to the mall, mass on sunday morning, i don't know... just stuff. it's cool to see sharon's crazy ass. she held the original "funniest person i've ever met" title until i started hanging around lauri. so you could imagine the three of us together at dinner last night.

at this point, i'm trying to post a picture, but there's an "error" occuring so my segue is ruined. but anyhow, it's of megan and me on our cruise. and then i was going to talk about how i'm going out on saturday with a guy i met on our cruise. see how that would've worked? oh well.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

yeah someone needs to show me and sheila how to put pictures!