Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Going Down the Wine Hole

So I worked the Distinguished Speaker Series tonight. The speaker was Colin Powell. He's very charming for a Republican. The first part of the talk sounded like this..."blah blah blah the terrorists, blah blah...can't let them win...blah blah...the terrorists....blah blah blah way of life...blah blah blah...the terrorists. But once he got past the republican talking points he told some interesting stories about working as Sec. Of State. Anyway, the thing about tonight was this...the event manager, the person who's supposed to be in charge was awol while the shit was hitting the fan. We were sold out tonight and things were BUSY. All the big wigs were there and when things needed doing and fears needed to be allayed they called me. And you know what? It felt fucking good to be the guy who gets things done. And at this point I'm gonna give a shout out to Lauri who, in her power suits and suvelliance kit is not only the sexiest head Usher/ Staff Pro Supervisor I've ever worked with but also the most competant. We fucking rocked that place. I almost feel like I'm I'm too good at that job. The people above me... the people who disappear when the shit hits the fan...like to say that the job is mostly common sense. But its not. It's experience. Its knowing every possible outcome of a situation and anticipating for it. Anyway enough about the job. When I got home, i decided to go down the wine hole to unwind. Are you familiar with the wine hole? It when you drink a lot of wine to...you know... unwind. In this case it was half a bottle of Chardonay. Plus one of my favorite movies, Kelly's Heroes, was on HBO . Its simply Donald Sutherland's finest performances and I'll hear nothing to the contary. I'm starting to crawl out of the wine hole though. I downlaoding a few songs and when I went to update my ipod, it turns out that like 200 song needed updating. I'm not sure why it does that from time to time , but it does. Plus Tom had just updated his shuffle so like 500 of my songs were unchecked so I had to through and re-check them all.
So a strange thought occured to my today. A lot of people have been commenting on my beard lately. I that annoying tendency of humans to state the obvious "Hey, you grew a beard!"
"Holy Shit!" I reply, "Really?"
Anyway, while rehearsing cnversations in my head. As I'm wont to do. I thought od what my answer would be to the question, "why did you grow a beard?" The first answer that popped into my head was, "because Jedi's have beards.." Isn't that strange? Its not the reason I grew a beard. I grew a beard because I didn't shave at camping and when I came home I thought it looked sweet so I kept it. But that wasn't the answer that popped into my head, it was the Jedi thing. Even my subconscious is a Star Wars nerd. Good to know. Well you see what going sown the wine hole will bring you...Outing yourself as a nerd once again. I don't care. I still go out with the sexy Staff Pro Supe with the Power suit.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

aaawwww Pete! ;)