Sunday, October 16, 2005

WARNING :The Fog Is Coming

Wassup peoples. I thought I need to write this down so everyone can see it. I saw the movie THE FOG last night with my friend nate. Now before you say what were you thinking I have to say Tom Welling is a good actor so I think he might be able to save the movie Nate thought that too. We were wrong!!!! It should've been called THE FOG OF SHIT cuz that's what it was. Holes in the plot. THE FOG killed some people that deserved it and then killed some people that had nothing to do with it. It should've killed the people that made it come out. It's stupid how it even happened (the fog coming out and how killers were in it). The ending was stupid I was close to walking out but then the credits rolled. Every other petson who was leaving the theater was also saying the movie was horrible. But the movie was number 1 in the box office what is going ON!!! Over Elizabethtown and Domino?! YES!! I've seen some horrible movie "Surviving Christmas", "Abandon", "Planet Of The Apes 2001", "2001: A Space odyssey", "A.I.", and more. I can't label this is worse than those but I'm gonna do something I never thought I would do. This is the worst movie remake EVER!!! Even over The Planet Of The Apes. Everybody comment and say what you think is the worst movie ever. With me is Surviving Christmas. OH MY GOD IT"S THE FOG!!!!!HJGj,hgkfl;ejfjlAHHHHHHGUUAAHHH


Jeff said...

Worst movie ever is a tie between King Ralph and Cutting Edge.

Pete said...

"Toe Pick."

The Worst movie ever...Thats a tough one. Here's my pick.
Star Wars Episode II
Oh my god what was this movie even about? Remember the half hour spent dodging assembly line robots. Remember the other half hour spent getting to know Boba Fett's Dad, only to have his head chopped off by a purple lightsaber 15 minutes later. Remember the introduction of a Character who name rhymes with Doodoo. And What is he the "Count" of? Planet Peepee? Remember George Lucas' intention of using the boys from 'Nsync as Jedis (ideas matter). I watched every episode of Punk'd in the hopes of seeing the one where Kutcher goes "okay we're gonna punk the entire world by having George Lucas make three fake prequels to Star Wars and passing it off for years as the real thing!"
Here are some others.

Planet of the Apes (Marky Mark Version)
Batman and Robin (A rare miss by George Clooney)
The Time Machine remake (anyone remember this nonsensical peice of count dookoo)
Austin Powers Goldmember ("I'm sexy cleopatra" 'nuff said from the chick with the giant afro)
I could go on.

My favorite scene from King Ralph is when they actually have an african guy chucking a spear. Did no one else notice that?

Pete said...

One more thing. Did anyone reading this need Alex telling them to avoid this movie? The first thing I look at when considering a movie is the title. Usually, it will give you an indication about what the movie is going to be about. In this case the movie is called THE FOG! All Movies about weather conditions have been horrible! Case in point: Hard Rain, The Perfect Storm and now.. THE FOG! Whats next? What were you thinking?

Jeff said...

Isn't there a Steven Seagal movie called "Hard Rain" or something? Also, I assume "A Walk in the Clouds" sucked ass even though its connection to the weather is less clear. What else? I'm sure that there must be a gay porn movie called "Its raining men" and I bet it is the worst gay porn movie ever, but maybe Tim can help us out with that. (I chose Tim because I don't think he reads this blog anymore). Damn. Did I just use a gay joke? I feel so 8th grade.

Alex said...

I was just making a statement. To not see this even when it comes out on DVD. Cuz I remember I told this guy not to see Hard Rain even on video but walking out of blockbuster I saw the copy in his hand. That was you Pete.

Pete said...

thats true. and let's not forget that I was the one who suggested we see Ecks Vs. Sever. I was gonna classify this as one of the worst movies I've seen, but I thought it was a bit to obvious.

Amanda Jane said...

The worst movie ever is actually a film called "Cool World." I walked out of the theater when I was in 7TH GRADE. You know it's bad if it can't hold a 7th grader's attention span