Sunday, October 23, 2005

Insomnia Strikes Back

Well...It's 4:40 in the morning, and mt brain won't shut off. I lie in bed and strange images of work blend into whatever I start to think about. I tried getting up and watching TV for a while and then going back to bed but it didn't work. I think the big ass cup of coffee I drank at 8 might have soemthing to do with it. I tried taking half a sleeping pill before I went to bed, but I think its contributing to my loopyness. I don't even have anything to write about I just don't know what else to do, there's nothing on TV. They're playing Robot Jox on HBO. Its a movie where people in giant Robots battle each other in a post apocalyptic world. Also Gremlins is on.
Man this is weird. I have my Itunes on Random, but it just played like 5 songs in a Row from the 60's. I guess most of my music is from the 60's but it happens all the time where it will play like five random selected Rap songs in a row. Or 5 similiarly themed songs in a row. Its knows. ooooohhhh scary. By the way have I told about my plans for halloween. Me Randy and Alex are going to get together and watch spooky movies. Not scary movies. Just spooky movies. You know, like Scooby Doo, Harry Potter, Ghostbusters, that sort of thing. I'm being sarcastic of course, it just sounded hilarious when I told Randy and Alex about it. I just realized I work on the Saturday before Halloween, so, no dress up for yours truly. I guess that takes the whole pressure of finding a costume away. Me and Lauri got paid to clean Randy and Alex's apartment today. I don't mind saying, it was a hell of a job. It had reached a level of filthyness that no apt. should reach. My god the magazines. My god the mail. Years of it. My GOD the sink. Wow. There is an indefeatable stickiness living in that broken garbage disposal...I don't know, but scientists might be interested. Some dishes had been sitting dirty for so long I think they are ruined, particularly Randy's engraved beer mug. I consider myself lucky though, Lauri had to do the Bathroom.


Jeff said...

She must have been wading ankle-deep in pubes. I'm laughing really hard at my own comment right now.

Amanda Jane said...

1. i hope you got paid well. 2. Did you come across a milk-carton shaped rock? Or has Randy abandoned the "milk experiment"?

Lauri said...

LOL! It was pretty nasty. I lived though.