Friday, October 14, 2005

Top 5's

Top 5 desert island movies:
The Big Lebowski (yes Amanda, its that good.)
Star Wars Episodes IV, V, VI (no explanation necessary)
Joe V. The Volcano (Some call it one of the worst movies of all time, they just weren't paying attention)

Top 5 desert island Books:
Lord of the Rings (you'll notice I chose the book form. In retrospect, I really hated 90% of the movies I hope I never see them again. Seriously.)
Cannery Roe (The Ultimate Slacker Novel, before being a slacker was chic)
Norton Anthology of The Romantic Era (The best of the Romantic Poets, plus a full version of Frankenstein. Even though I don't agree that it fits in the Romantic genre.)

Top 5 desert Island Movie Quotes:

"What is that...a teddy bear?"
"No it is my soul."
"I hope you don't lose it."
"So do I."
-Joe Vs. The Volcano

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."
-The Empire Strikes Back

"Quit hittin me with them negative waves Moriarty...Its a mother beautiful bridge...and its gonna be there."
-Kelly's Heroes

"This is life, and sometimes it fuckin' hurts"
-Garden State

Quint's whole speech about the sinking of the Indianapolis in Jaws.

Top 5 desert Island Shakespeare quotes:

There are more things on heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy

I'll have her, but I will not keep her long.
-Richard III

What a world that hath such creatures in it.
-The Tempest

Life... is a tale told by an idiot filled with soulnd and fury, signifying nothing.

Cry Havok! and let slip the dogs of War!
-Henry V


Jeff said...

Movies: Friday, Field of Dreams, old-school Star Wars, Pulp Fiction

Books: Bible (well-written, interesting, long, important to my religion, good for rolling joints), I totally agree with Cannery Row, Theodore Rex, Grapes of Wrath


"I only gots two things: my balls and my word, and I don't bust neither of them" Tony Montana in Scarface

"It is our choices Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Dumbledore in Chamber of Secrets

"Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!" Largeman in Garden State (Amanda will claim that I stole this from her - which I did)

Amanda Jane said...

I remember when Pete first introduced me to the genius of Joe vs. the Volcano...