Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Plot Unfolds

Something has just become clear to me. The 1981 BBC Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tv show just became available for instant viewing on Netflix. Being a fan, I started watching it tonight.
What has become clear is that the recent movie was based, not on the book really but on the TV show. They took the look and even the musical score right from the TV show. Now there is nothing wrong with that per se, because Douglas Adams wrote the TV show as well as the book. But for me, the directors of the movie might have taken a shot at a fresh look and interpretation of the material instead of pretty much ripping off a 29 year old TV show.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

IT Support This is Randy

That is how I answer the phone at work. Now I know I pissed some people off something fierce the last time I said I was gonna post something and then flaked with nothing to write about and not even trying which is what pissed off one so much. So since then secretively I have been working on something. Now you may not like but at least now you cannot yell at me for not trying.
Here you go a little list I call IT Support:

Before we interact, I'd like to share some thoughts with you:

* I am here, simply put, to fix your shit. My job is not complete until said shit is fixed. Please just help me fix this shit.

* With that out of the way, know that I hate you exactly as much as you hate me. No more, no less. If you are at least relatively pleasant, I'm happy to help you- even to make small talk as I attend to the issue at hand. Conversely, if you are a total and complete jackass, I will make this the worst 10 minutes of your week.

* Neither I, nor any of my coworkers, are out to fuck you. We are not idiots. We are college graduates in technical disciplines, the vast majority of whom are here to work their way up the IT ladder to more fulfilling positions. Sometimes we have off days, sure, but we know EXACTLY what we are doing. Note that this does not apply to anyone outside of our department. They are, in all reality, idiots who are out to fuck you.

* So you've already unplugged the "internet box" and plugged it back in? Brace yourself; you're going to do it again. Most of the time I do this for a reason...unless you're a dick then I do it to see how mad it makes you.

* To those who think they are "computer illiterate": The vast majority of the time, you are lovely people: Patient, willing to learn, and most importantly, willing to listen. Thank you!

* To those who think they are CompSci PhD’s: The vast majority of the time, you are retarded: If you already powercycled your equipment and it didn't work, why did it work when I made you do it again? If you are so well educated, stay the hell out of the queue so that people who need help can get it.

* Supervisors don't have a magic wand that they can wave to make everything better. They use the same utilities as I do. In fact, supervisors are more likely to tell you to fuck off- believe it or not, they have other pressing issues to attend to. If a server goes down, they WILL put those 200 stores before yours in Priorityland.

* Threatening to call your DM does not intimidate us. We have an entire department that is paid to care about that, which means that I don't have to. Harsh? Sure, but I have more than enough work to do fixing shit, yelling at field techs, following up on cases, and explaining the concept of email passwords to your sales associate that it won't cause me to lose any sleep.

* It worked fine yesterday? Oh, then I must be wrong. Let me reconsider the 40 minutes I spent troubleshooting your WinXP box. Check it out: Shit breaks (see point 1); If shit did not break, I would be mowing your lawn instead of sitting in this office.

* Speakerphone? Turn it the fuck off.

* Don't call back and have another rep troubleshoot the same problem. He will read the notes I left about how you spilled coke into your keyboard. Even if he didn't, he would come to the same conclusion, and more people with undiagnosed problems would be stuck listening to that god-awful hold music.

* I am not just saying it to say it when I say that I understand how frustrating it is to wait on hold, get transferred, and deal with bad agents. I too have called Dell's tech support line. The difference is that I actually DO care about your problem, so please just calm down before I kill your family.

* My company has over 2000 POS machines in over 400 stores. I handle you in the order your call was received. To this day, none of them have ever called in to say, "I just wanted you to know that my shit is working correctly."

So what can I help you with today?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Two Things of AW

If you have netflix rent Spaced: the Complete Series. Its AWESOME.

Do not, under any circumstances, see the new Day The Earth Stood Still its AWFUL.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Songs

Recently Pete posted a list of Christmas songs. He, however, somehow neglected my favorite Christmas song (Christmas wrapping by the Waitresses is at the top of my list). So, Check it out. The video is cheesy (made in the 1992, what can you really expect), however anything can be made better when you can include a little person and dress them in an elf costume.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What I haven't told you is...

I bought a new beanie!

On Thanksgiving...

We stood around a deep frying turkey. And it was good.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The pledge held strong

I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but I didn't drink at all this week. The last drink I had was last Saturday night. I managed sleep through the night 5 nights out of 7. No telling what tonight holds, but its a Sunday and thats always been a bad night for me. Some changes I've noticed is the ability to think more clearly, the ability to motivate myself, the ability to see the bright side of things again, and the ability to read more than a paragraph at a time without losing complete interest. The downside is that, its hard to find social activities that don't present temptation. I'm not going to say here that I've quit drinking forever, but I will say that this period of sobriety will last as long as it needs to. I've noticed that over the past year, I've had trouble regulating how much I drink at a sitting. Not that I get rip roaring drunk at a sitting, but the calorie intake has to be huge. Anyway, I don't want this to be downer or anything, just thought I'd keep you all updated.

Country Son

PAC-MAN!!!! At last, someone my countrypeople can look upon with genuine pride. No more "Rob Schneider is half-Filipino" and "oh really? He was Deuce Bigalow!" or "I think Phoebe Cates is half-Pinay" and "oh the chick who got naked in Fast Times?"
No more. Last night Manny Pacquiao defeated the Golden Boy. Naw man, he creamed Oscar de la Hoya. Maybe Oscar should spend less time prancing around in fishnets and more time training. Moreover, he should retire. Pac-Man made him look like a complete pussy in the ring.

Friday, December 05, 2008

8 Songs Of Christmas

Here are 8 Christmas Songs you should be listening to but probably aren't

12 Days of Christmas- John Denver and the Muppets
That was the worst Christmas Ever! - Sufjan Stevens
Christmas (Baby Please come home) - Joey Ramone
Don't Shoot me Santa - The Killers
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
Here it is Christmas Time - Old 97's
A Christmas Duel - THe Hives and Cyndi Lauper
It's Christmastime an Every Thing's Wrong - Man of Arms

You're Welcome

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


So remember when I said I would be making a triumphant return and that you would all be blown away. I probably shouldn't have said anything because now you are probably expecting something. I mean anything. Unfortunately as is a habit of mine I jumped in without thoroughly thinking my plan through. Because truth be told I got nothing. Now I am going to try and entertain you because frankly that is the only way I will keep myself from gouging my eyes out working this unbelievably heinous shift that I got saddled with today.
Wow writing is hard...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Triumphant Return

Tomorrow I will be making a triumphant return to the world of blogging. Be prepared to be blown away.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thats It!

I hate not being able to sleep. I'm quitting drinking after this holiday weekend. Who knows, maybe forever...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

a quickstrip for my friends:

laughing at the misfortune of others is wrong? No.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

All Animals are created equal, but some are equaler than others fact, most times in my experience, when people get in high level positions of authority, they become accustomed to people not calling them on thier strange, rude, and innappropriate behavior. It's the rare person who can, when appropriate, set aside thier authority and have a normal conversation. What most people fail to realize is that their authority only extends so far. Out there in the real world, we are all just men. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Come join me and Lauri for the third annual Thanksgiving morning, bloody mary and mimosa fest. I can promise pigs in a blanket. And I'm considering a vegtable know, for the vitamins.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Funk: A revived Draft Post

We DeClerks are famous (or infamous if you please) for our moodiness. The reaction I sometimes get when my mood turns toward the melancholic is sometimes surprising to me. It seem to me the world at large expects that we should project happiness and joy all the time when we are in public or among friends. How are people supposed to know when to leave you the fuck alone if you act all happy slappy all the time?
At work, Lauri always tells me, "People can tell you're in a bad mood today..." Good! then they are correctly perceiving my facial features, tone of voice and body language. The thing I don't understand is that they persist in wanting to fuck around with me. "what's wrong?" they say. "i'm sick of people like you..." I think to myself.
What never occurs to these people is that them continuing to talk to me only leads me to have to be more hostile towards them to make them go away. If they would only think to themselves, "if Pete is in a bad mood perhaps I would be better served in leaving him be today and perhaps he will work through his frustrations and be in a better mood tomorrow." The world would be a much friendlier place.

Best Podcast of all time?

I'm not sure if they knew it or not, but I recorded a bullshit session that Me, Randy and Alex had on Saturday night for a possible podcast. It's better than any podcast that we've done before because it was basically real. There are three problems with this podcast, however. One, I forgot to turn the ceiling fan off so you can here the air hitting the mic. Two, we weren't very close to the mic so it kinda sounds like a background recording. Three, it has background music that would violate copyright laws if I published it. If you feel you can't go on living without hearing it. Let me know and I'll burn a CD.

Warning: Political Rant

It feels weird to say, but if the Republicans hold the line on the auto industry bailout, this is one time I actually agree with them. I think that the Big Three have run their business into the ground too many times to be bailed out again. Remember, they were the ones who, in the face of Global Warming were producing bigger and less fuel efficient cars. Lets see, there was the Hummer, the Hummer 2, the Escalade, and the Expedition just to name a few. And even though the American consumer backed them all the way and bought bigger and bigger cars, the auto makers should have been looking toward innovation. We all watched as gas prices went from 2$ per gallon to $4. Didn't somebody at some point think, "maybe people are not going to be able to gas up these gas guzzling behemoths."? Meanwhile, Toyota is laughing all the way to bank because they brought hybrid technology to the road.

"but Pete," you'll say, "what about the hard working American auto workers, they will be out of a job..."

Thats right they will, but...what can I say? I feel badly about it, but how many of us can say we are knowingly working for a dying company? If I knew that I worked for a company that consistently put out a bad product, I don't think I would bank my retirement on it.

And how are we ever supposed to put out a better product if a bad product is continually supported by the government? Maybe there is some genius car maker out there that just can't get a foothold on the market because his competition gets and infusion of gov't money on a regular basis? Those who work on the assembly line will be able to find a jobs new assembly lines.

I'm not going to argue that we should become a country that doesn't produce anything, I think we should be a country that produces the newest most innovative products in the world.

Here's something to ponder over, what if, when the iPod was invented the gov't decided that it didn't want to see the people who make Sony discman's out of job(I know Sony is Japanese company... bad example), so they sunk a bunch of money there. That would have been a pretty stupid move.

If we are going to be a free market society then the working class has to realize that they need to be as innovative and adaptable as our products if we are going to maintain market superiority.

I know Obama thinks that the Big 3 will see this as a wake-up call and change their ways and he's afraid of what the failure of the automakers will mean to the overall economy, but I think in the first place he's being naive and in the second place, we may just have to take this one on the chin (easy for me to say because I'm not going to retire for another 35 years). Who knows, maybe this is just the catalyst we need to start seriously looking into clean transportation.

I know, I sound like some old corporate douchebag, but we have to realize that Democrats are capitalists too. We may not think that the free market is the best way to educate or provide health care to a society, but its definitely the best way to sell a car.

mystery posts

If you are a contributing member of this blog (or have the permission to do so but never do it) you can sign in and see that there are several "drafts" of posts that were never posted. Pete has one about the auto industry that he started yesterday that I think he needs to post because I agree with it 99%.

Also, I want to note that I neither condone or condemn the use of the neti pot. It is simply a funny video. However, I brought this up at dinner with some friends the other night and one said that he uses it. He also has two kids who were born intentionally at home and served in the peace corps, so there you go.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Who watches the makers of the Watchmen

If you now read or have ever read comics, you probably know that there is a Watchmen movie coming out this spring. Now, besides the fact that I mess my pants everytime I see the previews because they look so freakin cool, I have to remain objective here. So here are some reasons to be optimistic AND some reasons to be pessimistic:

Reasons for Optimism:
  • Its directed by the guy who did 300, which I thought was a pretty good representation of the graphic novel.
  • The scenes shown in the preview are pulled directly from actual panels in the graphic novel so this looks like it will also be pretty faithful.
  • The chick they go to play the silk specter is friggin' hot.
  • In Jackie Earle Haley they could not have picked a better Rorschach
  • Watchmen is arguably the best graphic novel (I would argue that it is one of the best 3 but whatever) ever so if it even gets it vaguely right we should be in for a good movie.

Now, Some reasons to be pessimistic

  • For me, the look they have chosen for the film, from what I've seen in the previews is close but not quite right. The book is set in a alternate 1980's in which we have continued on the brink of nuclear annihilation with the Soviets since the 1950's. Nixon has continued on as president in this world and whole place just looks a little dilapidated and dirty, sort of unwilling to move forward. I think this look was given to the book on purpose by the writer and artist. The film just looks a little to slick.
  • They got the look of the heroes wrong as well. The main story line of the book takes place when the heroes 'The Watchmen" are all past thier prime. So Nite Owl has a pot belly and Silk Spectre and Viedt should be over 40. The muscley armored suits that are typical to superhero movies aren't really appropriate here.
  • With the book being set in the 80's it risks not being relevant. Knowing what we know now, the Soviets just aren't that scary anymore so it might be hard taking that underlying threat seriously.
  • Because the book is so complicated, there are inevitably going to be some VERY big ommisions that explain backstory, character development and build tension. for those of you who have read it: The Pirate Comic, Rorschach's psychaitrist's file's, Behind the Mask to name a few.
  • I honestly don't know if they are going to be able to pull it off. The book is really subtle and really complicated. I've read it three times and still find new stuff everytime I pick it up. Its hard for a film adaptation to pick up the subtler points of any book.

Well, there it is. I will remain very cautiously optimistic.

I will say this, if you have not read the book. You need to check it out. Its really good. If you are a fan of Sci-fi, it is probably one of the best works of our generation. It definitely change the way you think about comics. It's dark, complicated, and violent. Really, read it. Especially read it before you see the movie.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Feeling a little congested?

Here is the solution to your problems! I assure you that this is a real product.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Trying it out

I am going to try to post more now since I have Internet at work. Beating the system. I still don't have it at my humble abode because I suck. But oh well nobody is perfect.
So I guess not too much is going on just sitting here at work wishing I was anywhere else. My brother Big Al is in town. He is going to be staying with me this week. It'll be a tight fit in my little home but no biggie. Wow this is so boring. Writing is hard work.
OK Back to work. Bye.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

On Halloween

Governor Palin confers with Joe Six Pack

Friday, October 31, 2008

Voting just became a hassle

So....during the course of my entire voting career, my polling place has been conveniently located directly across the street from my house at good ol' Henry Longfellow Elementary school. I recently received my practice ballot (or whatever that thing is called), and guess polling place has been relocated. What the hell!? Now, I have to travel to some crazy church that I've never heard of and have no clue to its location. Not a big deal, you say, well here is the kicker. Longfellow will still be utilized as a polling place, just not mine. Why would my polling place be relocated when the closest polling place is a rock toss from my front porch. Whoever is in charge of this is a dumb ass.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Amanda!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

ah, much better!

that other layout was pretty rough on the eyes - thanks pete.

Back to the basics

Okay. I'm back tot he basics here. I'm going to try to revive this thing with some simple text. Its going to take some planning, I've got to discipline myself and come up with a few mini essays. I encourage everyone to start submitting again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I hate this new layout. I'm changing it, the first chance I get.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Well its been a long time. I guess I haven't had too much to say. I've kinda fallen into that wake, work, sleep routine. Which by the way, will play hell with your health. Its a vicious cycle of being too tired to exercise and then being too tired because you are not exercising. If you're considering getting a job, I would recommend against it. GODDAMNIT ! If there is one ting I hate, its that little fucking red line that shows up under misspelled words! You've got a thought in your head and then that little fucking line keeps popping up and totally breaks your concentration. I really wish it could be shut off in this window, but I don't know how. Anyway, where was I?
I was thinking about Neil Young. Are you a fan? I would not say that I was a fan, BUT I don recommend the following songs: Heart of Gold, Everybosy knows this is nowhere, and Comes a time. Truth be told, those are the only Niel Young songs I can name except for Southern man which I can't listen too because of how Lynyrd Skynyrd rips it in Sweet Home Alabama so who knows? maybe Neil Young is the best and I've just haven't been able to "hear" him yet.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Short(!) Story

She left cigarettes; I remembered Dad.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

HaPPy BiRthDay RaNdY!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Avast me hardy's! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrrrrgggghhhh...'tis on this day alone when a scurvy 'ol pirate might have a chance against a ninja...arrrrrggggghhhhh

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm Angry

You can tell by the title That I'm Angry not because the Chargers lost 2 staright, or my Fantasy Football team who had the #1 pick has also lost 2 staright, or that I only got $120 bucks for officiating a bunch of JV volleyball games. No I'm Angry at the Alaska Government. Not at Sarah Palin (hottest VP Candidate) or anything like that. I'm angry at the PFD department. Who last Wednesday sent me a letter stated they needed more info about my reloctaion and living in Alaska. Now that's okay and all but that Friday was the day people got their checks in direct deposit or today by mail. If you didn't know what PFD's are they are a check that Alaskans get for the drilling for oil in Alaska. This year the check would be $3,269.00 that's including a $1,200 bonus for energy costs. I originally sent them a one-way airline ticket I used to get here back from 2006 but they needed more. Proof of employment prior to 2007, movement of household goods, proof of having a home here, etc. None of that applies to me. I got my Alaska license in 2007 when I got a real job in March. I use my Parent's mailbox. But I did apply for a full-time job up here before 2007 at the Medical Center he wrote a letter and I just sent it out today so hopefully that's enough so I can get my check. Hopefully it's enoug I can't call their office cuz their phone is always busy. They really pissed me off becuase now I can't come there in october which is what I was planning to do. Don't mess with me and my friends. But I will come once I get my check and can work out my travel arrangements. So I just needed to tell you that if you haven't heard. Well gotta read my Basketball rule book. Hope to see ya guys soon.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Flamming Gorge

Aj i want you to paint this for me

Friday, September 12, 2008

San Clemente

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Text Messaging

As a sort of social experiment, I'm giving up text messaging. Even though every time I try to make a cell to cell call, its almost guaranteed that the call will be dropped. Anyway, if I don't answer your texts, don't be offended. If it requires a response, I'll call you. Or you can call me.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Its the end of the world as we know it...

The Large Hadron Collider or so called Big Bang Machine in Cern, Switzetrland is scheduled to be turned on tomorrow. There are those that believe that the machine will create microscopic black holes that will expand and gobble up the planet. In fact, creating black holes is exactly what the machine was designed to do but scientists believe that they will pop in and out of existence and therefore do not pose a threat. Does this make you nervous? Don't worry, it will be a month before the particles reach full speed. (0.999999999 times the speed of light)

Am I propagating the worst possible scenario just to entertain? Maybe. If not though, I'll catch you all on the flipside.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

A short trip

I have occasional, brief, but slightly dangerous departures from sanity that tell me, loudly, not to go into work the next day, take the money we've saved and live on the road for about a year. I'll probably be okay tomorrow. But not now.


Got to write fast! I was preparing to type this entry by writing some beforehand notes. (The other day I recommended a Taiwanese kid at my school to write, by hand before even touching the computer, what he wanted to express in his short essay about Chinese economy and how their economy affects the kajillions of young Chinese, and then type--how old-school is that? So, I am deciding to practice what I preach. We'll see how it works.) The notes read thusly: TV->Fantasy->school->horror. Interesting. But right after I wrote the notes, and thinking of a clever title I accidentally pressed the "enter" button thereby creating a blank post.

So I apologize to those of you who saw this instance of unprofessionalism. I would hate to think that you thought that my increasingly diminishing word count in my posting finally dipped to nil.

I watch very little TV these days. I have decided that TV only reminds me of things that I cannot have, like a brand-new BMW, NFL Game Ticket on DirecTV, and Jackie Johnson. If I do watch the ol'tube it will be for one of three things: DVDs of dope movies (some of which I will describe at some length in a couple of grafs), the Simpsons (and Family Guy but I don't go out of my way) and what my good friend Chrib calls the best and original Reality TV: sports!

That said, I am elated at the new NFL season breaking. I own two Fantasy football teams, one of which I drafted myself and am hoping to come in the money, which for me potentially could help handle two car payments this year. Fantasy football singlehandedly restored my love for football, which began in the sixth grade after my dad took me to a Raiders-Broncos game at the Coliseum. After witnessing madness all around me (you'd be surprised at how far a fan can throw a 9V battery) and a guy named Bo run circles around men much bigger than he, I was hooked. Then Al Davis moved back to Oakland and the rest was history. Until there was Fantasy.

Luckily the network at school allows me to access Fantasy Football, which could be viewed as a gambling site, which along with pornography, dating sites and "malicious content" are blocked by the programs monitoring net use at Southwestern Academy. However, I can still google "boobs" and voila nudity. Go figure. The kids come back this coming week, at which point my summer of fun ends. However busy I will be with Westridge kitchen in the day and resident ass-kicking a noir, I am looking forward to it. I am ready for it. Anyway I was really freaking myself out lately with my recent make-up session with Netflix due to a class-action lawsuit winnin me a free month of the service thus re-hookin me on the 'flix.

I mean I Netflixed the entire oeuvre of Dario Argento. He is the master of all horror, I don't care what anyone says... everyone: Carpenter, Craven, Hooper, they all copied him. so I am looking forward to the campus being re-populated and feeling less like late-night Crystal Lake. My fave of his has to be Rosso Profundo ("Deep Red"), so friggin cool and Italian The only thing about his films I don't like are that the victims are so victimized and helpless. I mean that's pretty Kosher for horror, but I mean what the fuck? Fight back, bitch!

Hey it was nice to see some of ya for Joe's birthday.

listenin to neil young's "don't let it bring you down" (live at massey hall) on Pandora.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I used to skate

I skated all wrong. To start with I'm goofy footed, plus while most skaters push off with their back foot using the front foot to lean the trucks in the direction they wanted to go, I always pushed with my front and used my back heel slightly on the tail to control my direction while pushing. This allowed me to keep my trucks extra tight for more stability when landing. I also felt like it kept the weight off my front wheels so there was less of a chance of me flying into the pavement if I hit a pebble. I went through a lot of trucks that way. I'd make them so tight that either the rubber would burst or the washer would blow out. With trucks at about $25 apiece and no form of income, buying new trucks every few months was no easy task.
If there is one thing I miss about my early teens, and believe me there ain't much, its skating. I was good, sort of. We skated on big wide boards that fit your whole front foot on the front, so flip tricks were pretty damn hard.
Back then, there was no such thing as chicks who liked skaters, at least not at Pasadena High School. Still though, I wish I had kept skating. It was good excercise and good for agility.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Okay if you aint tried yet (click here)

Go there now. It's nice I like it you will too.
specially Pete. (happy birthday mon)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Decision 2008....

...first my disclaimer....i am not good with politics, nor do i mean so start any crazy rants about this political race. i'm also not good with names or places or dates. so this post is merely a chance for me to say how crazy i think this Presidential race is.

Can you believe how crazy this Presidential race is??!! i mean we just finish the Democratic Convention where we found out who Obama has as a running mate. A white guy who's older than Barack. I knew nothing of Biden and i waited to hear his speech to make a decision about him. He seems alright i guess. He had family tragedy and stuff, very very sad. i almost cried when his son was talking and then he chimed in. But again, don't know to much.

Then today you got McCain who chose a young white woman as his running mate! From Alaska even! now i'm not dissin' Alaska at all. Its a lovely place. but i was listening to a short bio of her and it seems she's totally for oil drilling and she believes the polar bears are thriving! that kinda irks me.

Ok but i'm losing my original focus here. My whole thing is this, its a crazy race! who knew that in 2008 we'd be looking at a Presidential race where we got a young black man with an old white guy as his running mate, against an old white guy with a young white woman for his running mate! crazy! we started out with a white against black (by the way, the whole white/black thing never bothered me, i'm just being very obvious here) race and some how changed it up to an old vs. young, white vs. black, man vs. woman!!!! i'm freaking out here! crazy right!!!??

So i'd like to thank Sheila for not choosing her wedding day as November 4th this year, cuz there may have been an issue. But come November 4th, go out and vote, its just the beginning of this crazy world we live in. And Pete and I will keep you updated on possible Presidential 2008 night at our place. Bring your sleeping bag!

Happy belated

Sorry Pete I've been really busy with going to anchorage, working on the fungus festival, learning rules for voleyball, and many other things. I totally forgot about your birthday.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY PETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway hope you had a good time. I'm still waiting for my check to come but I'm planning on coming. But this time it will be F 'in on!!! Maybe we could do Vegas this time. For like your birthday and Randy's. Well gotta finish work cuz I work tonight officiating the volleyball games. Talk to you later. By the way did you see McCain's good looking running mate.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Now you know and Knowing...

Here's list of what I'm currently listening to and how that came to be:

Johnny Cash- The Man Comes Around
Its an apocolyptic song with up and downs. I think Johnny recorded it near the end of his career, because his voice is a kind of raspy. There are a bunch of recordings of it, so I don't think Johnny actually wrote it. Anyone know the origin of this one? I heard it on the final scene of the final episode of the HBO mini-series Generation Kill, which I liked.

Peter Tosh- Wanted, Dread or Alive
I heard this song on Pineapple Express and liked it because of the line, "I'm wa-anted, by the evil forces." I like that

MGMT- Time to Pretend
Its from the Beer Pong video that Vic made.

That couple that was in that movie "Once"-You ain't goin no where
This is a Bob Dylan song that I really like. I think their version, lends a certain somethin' to it.

Josh Ritter- To the dogs or whoever
I don't know who Josh Ritter is, I found this song on Rainn Wilson's celebrity playlist on itunes. It's pretty much the best song I've come across in years. It begins "deep in the belly of whale I found her..."

GZA The Genius - Pencil
Anytime a member of the Wu-Tang comes out with a new album I try to find at least one song to download. I don't want to row in my appreciation of the finer things. Question, are there any songs (raps?) by members of the wu-tang clan that do not in some way reference killer bees. If there are I do not want to know about it.

Thats pretty much it. I'm always looking for new stuff, or old stuff that I haven't heard, so throw somethin' out there for me.

Nothin much else going on. I'm slowly re-watching my entire DVD collection over again on my giant television. let me know if you want to screen a flick at my house. I feel like the whole point of having a nice TV is so that watching movies can be more event-like, as in more like actually going to the movies. I find that most of the movies I really like, aren't much fun unless you watch them with someone who also really likes them. I've been meaning to watch Tombstone sometime soon. Let me know if you're up for it. I tried to watch the old animated Transformers move with Orson Welles as the Unicron and Leonard Nimoy as Galvatron, it just didn't hold up like you would think it would. Although, the best part of that movie is that it has the song in it that Dirk Diggler records in Boogie Nights. "You got the touch, you got the Power..."
Work sucks right now. People around here lose their fucking minds in the summer because there are no events going on, me included.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Pete!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

latest eye candy (link)

MARION COTILLARD is so pretty and young. and talented.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi All. I hope you like the new look. I was feeling like it was time for a change. AJ, if you feel like doing some new art for the header, then just send it on over to me.

I have in my possession a copy of perhaps the cheesiest 80's movie of the decade "The Last Dragon". I will be screening it on Friday night. If your interested in watching it with me, just let me know. Maybe a 7pm screening followed by some drinks either at the pad or out on the town?

"Sho 'Nuff!"

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

cuz i can't think of a title...

Hey guys!! What's up I'm still re-adjusting to my life up here in Alaska from my vacation in California. I thought the other day I should go out with some friends and then I remembered all of my friends are down there. So as some of you know last week my Uncle died and we had his funeral this past saturday. The Baptist Church where we had his service (and also where he was the Pastor) was full of people both upstairs and downstairs and it was cool to know how many people he knew and how many people cared about him. During the service my Dad got sick. Later on we took his temperature which was 102 which is NOT good for someone having chemo. His white cell count was LOW really low. But after spending 2 days in the hospital he got to come home monday and goes there to get antibiotics but now its okay. He's back to normal but I'm still working full days at the chamber. Getting pestered by stupid people (not all locals). One guy thinks he's a hotshot photographer and says he should have a free bear guide to take photos and we haven't sent him any information. Well next time I'm going to tell him to go to Katmai because Bears just wander all around there. I'm so bored... I need a real job. On monday I ordered some custom etnies shoes and I think I did a good job on designing them. Me and Donald are thinking and brainstorming about expanding the STL website and show and make it look nice with updates and team reports soon. I don't know if my dad is doing chemo next week but if he did I'm finally gonna be able to see "The Dark Knight" I feel I need to do my part to help it pass "Titanic" cuz looking back "Titanic" wasn't good. Also this time I will not go to any strip clubs who wants to take me on that bet. Let me tell you something else some lady told my Mom with my uncle dead and my dad sick that I'm gonna be suicidal. I gotta get outta here! Anyways I just needed to vent. I get my PFD (big money check cuz I'm cool) in October and I'm thinking about coming down to California again and that can't come soon enough. Well I leave with a quote from one of my fave songs : All the wasted time, The hours that were left behind, The answers that we'll never find, They don't mean a thing tonight.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Its 8:30pm and about 90 degrees in my bedroom as I type this. I was thinking about Facebook. This insidious adult accepted myspace. Over the last couple of weeks I've recieved friend requests from people I went to high school with. I went ahead and added them as friends and wrote on thier wall to say hello and what's up, only meet with silence. One page I saw had 149 friends. 149 people if I went over the people I've met in the last 5 years it would not equal 149. Is this high school all over again, where self worth is judge by how many people you got to sign your yearbook? Only now its facebook and myspace friends. Don't get me wrong I don't begrudge people their friends, but if you want to reach out, at least follow up. If we have nothing to say to one another well, thats just fine too.
Christ its hot in here.
Here are some Pictures from the Road. I had a frickin great time out there. Yes, I was ready to come when we broke down, but I'm over the pain and am remembering the good times.

This is Zion National Park. We drove way the hell out of our way the first day, just to drive through. It was worth it though just to take that diversion and prove to ourselves that we were gonna take our time and do what the hell we wanted.
This was the day one destination, a Forest Service campground called Lake Hill (I did not see a lake) This was about 5 miles up a dirt road, outside the small town of Ephraim Utah. (I shouldn't say small, they did have a WalMart Super Center, where one could buy a head of lettuce or a shotgun, we bought a fishing pole and set of Dominoes)
Day two, delayed by sheep. Look at the Ewe makin' eyes at us, what a tease.

The open Road, Still Utah. With the break down we actually spent as many days in Utah as we did in South Dakota.This was the view, 20 paces from our campsite at Flaming Gorge Utah. There was also a lake about a hundred yards away. Too many good pictures from that day. I'll make a slideshow so you can see them. I'm just waiting for the pictures from Tim's camera.On top of the country in Rock Mountain National Park. (Highest Road in America)We were supposed to camp our last night, but instead we decided on a shower and getting hammered in the town of Wall South Dakota. We found the town dive bar, it was awesome. And although the locals reccomended we try Subway for a good meal. We found this little Pizza place that served Coors light in a can. If you ever find yourself Down and Out in Rapid City, you might consider picking up and moving to Wall.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Road trip

This is Tom smelling himself

South Dakota

Awwww the old hog house

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Boston Massakah

Yo. I am in Boston on TABS Conference. I have met and talked to many people in the boarding school industry, which is barely a sliver of the educational world as a whole. These people are full of positivity and good vibes, I almost feel as if I am a Phish convention. On that note, I have been getting drunk every night I have been here. Last night I sang "Bust a Move" and "Hey Jude" at Karaoke night in the nearby tavuhn. Both wuh monstahs wid da cwowd. I haven't had no chowdah yet but I plan to rent a bike and motahboat my ass to da seafront and do my cuisine thang. Love y'alls, Go Dodgahs.

UPDATE: SOME PICs FROM BOSTON, folkes! (it took me a while to get access to this microchip which houses the pictures i take with a digital camera. i explains thusly yo.)ps Chrib if you see this dawg...YES that is your sweater. YES i will return it. someday.

We kicked it a lot with these two nice young ladies.

i was drinking in some of these pics...water that is. see the straw?

I took in a lot of the Cambridge neighborhood...there is an interesting late-night fast food joint that I think was owned by a Mid-Eastern family...all their prices ended in weird numbers, frinstance before-tax prices of $5.44 for a jumbo burger or $6.68 for a goat's head sandwich.

I also checked out the Center for Fine Arts at Boston University, where we stayed in one of the dorms for the duration of the Conference. I even included a pic of the view of the bridge of the river from my window. Pretty good shit.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Back to the Text

Hi Everyone. Well Alex is on his way back to Alaska. You may remember him from such flims as Accepted and Little Miss Sunshine. It was exciting having such a big star staying in our spare bedroom. I have to admit the paparazzi became a little tiresome after a while though. Me Randy and Alex did the drunkest podcast ever while Alex was here, but it quickly degraded into an insult fest. I have yet to listen to it to see if there is anything salvagable. I remember there was a period where Randy refused to talk because I was making fun of the way he talks to waiters (and waitresses). The summer is in full swing, which means the job is in a downcycle. That means a lot of time to waste. I've come to face the fact that I'll never be happy working. When its busy, its too busy. When its slow, its too slow. Its time for me to write that movie script I've been sitting on so I can retire into a life a luxury. Whats better, having the money to buy things like big TV's and XBOX's and other various toys or having the time to go hiking on weekday? Anyone know how I can do both?

Speaking of Big TV's, I got one. 52" LCD 1080p. If your thinking of getting one, just remember one thing, when you watch non-HD TV the picture looks crappy and there is not a whole lot you can do about it.Well, once again its time to start talking about Lebowskifest. Big TV, movie, white russians, Miller MGD, and In' n' Out burgers. Wear your bathrobes. How is this Saturday night looking for everyone? Let me know.

I can't wait to hit the road and head for South Dakota (also known as Big Cock country, I should fit right in). We are going to take this country by storm. There are talks of changing the name of Mt. Rushmore to Mt. Declerk. With the faces of America's forefathers replaced with the faces of the DeClerk Bros. also known as The Gangster, the Killer, and the Dope Dealer.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

i would just like to say HELLO to everyone! so....HELLO! :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

alejandro, relajando

That's a Spanish algorithm.* That's when the words spell different but essentially remain the same. I am on vacation, folks. My mind has relaxed to the state of nonsensicality. I have been in Bethany Beach, DE for two or three days and now I am back at my Uncle's house in Philly. Things sure are different out here! For example when drivers honk their horn a strange type of clicking sound emits from under the hood. And there are Ho-hos waiting for you on every corner, but you have to make sure to get the newer ones (wait for the attendant to refresh the station) because on a warm day like yesterday these confections have a tendency for melting. I did not swim in the Atlantic Ocean because I heard it had toxins. I did however, find a tampon in one of the saunas at a recreation center in the neighborhood we were staying in. I did not report it to the managers.

On a more local Alex Moe-flavored note...strippers can be very nice and completely bring home to mom-able.

*not everything contained in this report must be true.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Podcast news

We have new instructions on how to turn our podcast into an MP3 you can listen to on your ipod. Let us know by commenting on this post if it works. If its working for you guys, there will be more podcast fun to come.

Step 1: Follow the link on under the podcast player and click on the "Download Mp3" icon.
Step 2: Choose to save the MP3 to your desktop.
Step 3: Once the MP3 has been saved it will be a in an unnamed file format. Simply right click the icon created on your desktop and choose rename. Re-name the file whatever you want, but be sure to give it a .mp3 file extension name.
Step: Double click the icon and it should begin playing in your itunes. Once its in your iTunes it should sync to your iPod.

I stress that unless this works podcasts are dead to me. so give me some feedback.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Pete & Randy Podcast Part 1
Go here to Download the MP3 of this podcast

Friday, June 06, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

follow up to previous post (click here)

How many of the films mentioned have you guys seen? Of the Wikipedia list in the link..I saw 57..which admittedly aint much. still, that is a lot of f words!!!

to article of artist who painted this work.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

new pic, movie review

The new Iron Man movie was great. The only thing that constantly bothered me was that The Dude aka Jeff Bridges was the bad guy. He was being very un-Dude. Otherwise the effects were great, the Mr. Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark was great and conversely Pepper Potts was sexy in a turn by Gwyneth Paltrow, and the storyline left the possibility open for a sequel (of course.) Jon Favreau is turning out to be a great director. I think it helped that Stark was fighting terrorists in this movie instead of the Sandman or Venom, or the Silver the conflict makes more sense and holds your attention more.

ps Pete I see how yall be changin pictures on here.. this second one is my submission. sorry i am a dick, i forgot to edit the's gonna be huge. bytheway "Made" is one of the most underrated films of this new century and has one of the highest "fuck-per-minute" (FPM) ratio of any feature-length film: 3.1.

thank you...i miss you guys. i aint been out too much lately and that's my own fault. there i said it.

(XXXXXedit..took out pic...thanks mr. deClerk!)

Friday, May 30, 2008

The End is Near

Beware of the large hadron Collider

Saturday, May 24, 2008

no explanation!

haha zoolander...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Previously on "Alex Goes to Anchorage"...

Well Hello everyone so I'm here to say what happened in Anchorage this past time I went. On monday my Dad and I got there and actually had some good mexican food from this little place called Taco King. So much better than the crappy BAJA TACO we have in Cordova. Next while he took a nap I went down to the Dimond Center Mall (it's kinda like the Santa Anita mall) I looked around for some good shirts but really couldn't find one with any good colors or if they had one I liked they didn't have my size. I called Kayla to see if she was busy and she was working again later that night. I checked out the movie theater and decided to see Prince Caspian. It was pretty much what I expected but good. Even with kids behind me one asking their dad for a pretzel and the other one asking for more licorice. I was kinda mad during the movie cuz I got some nachos and some of the cheese slipped out and got on my pants near the crotch area. Sp after the movie I went back to Old Navy and got a new pair of pants. Then I checked out American Eagle just to see if they might have something. They had a cool shirt my size and I decided to try it on. Let me ask who in the hell decided to make slim fit t-shirts? Whoever they are they are retards. What was wrong with a shirt being a size why does it have to get snug. So it looked so stupid because it was slim it made my belly look huge I didn't buy it. After that I called my dad and he said he was eating at the cafeteria at the hotel and I was on my own for dinner. So it was almost 7pm hmmmm what to do. . . I know I'll surprise Kayla at work! (just kidding I really didn't think like that but I weas going to go anyways). But anyways I got there and she was practicing dancing with some other girl for a 2 girl show on stage. Nothing nasty just more acrobatic cuz they are the 2 best dancers there and know how to do it. She asked me what I thought and said for a first time it looked good. She rewarded me with a kiss and whispered in my ear "Let's go." ( so you know go doesn't mean leave it means let me give you a dance). After 2 I said, "1 more even though I would like to hang with you out of here." Here is where it got wierd she started to slow down and said do you say that to all girls or do you like me. I said you seem like a cool girl to hang with. She then tried to make the dance seem good and then said, "You don't live here I don't know if we could make it work." I thought What! This is the girl that wanted to go out on a date and said it would be just a date. We didn't even go out once but she acted like we have already been going out. Going to a strip club is not a date. She then said she has a commitment to her father helping him like I help mine. She then started to well up saying she doesn't want to get emotionally attached. I couldn't believe what I was hearing I am here getting a lap dance and the girl is on the verge of tears talking how about how she doesn't want to get emotionally attached to a guy she isn't even dating. Thankfully the song ended and decided to leave and told her "Well think about it." I left and enjoyed late night happy hour at Applebees with their new citrus teriyaki boneless wings and some beer. I went back to the hotel. When I woke up I got all packed up and tried to plan out my day. Then it turned out my dad already left to go to the Cancer Center (it's right next door to the hotel) so I packed up the car so it was ready. I tried the mall one last time which still had nothin appealing. Then I went to Red Robin and got The A1 Peppercorn Burger. My day was wierd cuz I could never catch Speed Racer which I kinda wanted to see. But Dad got done with his chemo and that's pretty much the end. So I think I should forget about Kayla of course I think you guys told me forget her when you guys found out she had a kid. It was one of the top wierdest things that ever happened to me. Well unless something happens with one of the jobs I applied for I plan to come down to Cali around my birthday and It's going to be so freakin on!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I got to say it was a Good Day.

Hello. I woke up this morning at 6:30 in the AM. Then I paid a bunch of bills, yesterday being payday and all. Then I made a quick workout of shoulders, arms and pushups to boot. Work was great: I rode my bike there and afterwards I shot some in the girls' gym until the maintenance man had to come and clean the floors. Damn non-athletic shoe-wearers, to whose group I belong most of the time. I biked home to the boarding school, said what up to Steff then had me a nice dinner of some breaded fish pieces and sauce de tartar with some frozen vegetables i microwaved with salt and pepper. Delish.
Then I watched some TV (Spurs are going to play the Lakers next round, I sense) and did four loads of laundry. And cleaned my whole apartment. I found some stuff that surprised me with some perspective as to how I lived and thought before I moved in with my sister a couple of years back. While I don't regret that situation because it brought my sister and I back together in a way I hadn't remembered since leaving for college about ten years ago, I think it made me forget a lot of things. Anyway I posted some of those found drawings/poems on my blog. I didn't want to burden the Rat Racers with that here, but feel free to go there...

ps Pete I will finish/start your painting I SWEAR BY GOD!! Amanda I would love to make somthing for you...but first things first (I, Poppa freak all the honeys. Cmon! Start with a gangster quote, end with a gangster quote. Balance in all thanngs, babe!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just So You Guys Know

Well I know I didn't write anything about Anchorage last week. But nothing much happened. I saw Iron Man which I thought was pretty good. My Dad asked me what Club Kayla works at (we didn't go to a Club together). But that's it. Hopefully my next time would be better. Need to go on vacation in california soon. Pete and Lauri are you ready for MOE?

Saturday, May 10, 2008


GTA IV sucks. There I said it. I'm extremely disappointed with this game when compared to GTA San Andreas. Everything that was great about San Andreas is lacking in this game. In fact, all this is, is a better looking version of GTA III. Here are a list of areas where GTA IV falls way short.

Controls- The fighting, shooting, driving, controls are terrible. Every car on the game handles like a boat and can't turn a corner to save its life. Yet the city streets are all at right angles. Nico moves to slow and the lock on for both fighting and shooting are terrible. I waste half my ammo shooting at walls because the retical won't shift from one target to another.

Cops- Cops are everywhere in this game, in every scene and on every corner. Not only are they everywhere, but they are they even when they are not there. simply firing your weapon, even if you don't see any police will get you into a police chase. In previous versions, if the cops weren't around, you could get away with a lot and make some money in the process. In this game, if you stray from your missions, you might as well just resolve yourself to an endless police chase.

Leveling up - In San Andreas you could level up your fighting shooting and driving skills. The result was that gameplay became smoother and more fun. There was a reason to use all the weapons and all different types of vehicles. They took that out.

You're too busy- Anytime you try to simply explore in this game people are calling you on your cell demanding to do mundane activities, like go eat or play poorly conceived mini-games of pool or bowling.

The Landscape- Even in GTA III and especially in San Andreas there were several different landscapes, you could find your way around with landmarks. In GTA IV everything looks the same and its dark more than it is light so forget landmarks. You are forced to use the games GPS system, the result of which is that you are looking at the mini map more so that the actual game.

Tolls - there are actually freakin tool booths in the game that you are expected to wait in line for. If you bust through the gate? Yep, the cops chase you. Is this somebody's bad idea of drawing out gameplay time?

Weapons- I have about 6 hours of gameplay in and I am still stuck with the pistol. I can get shot guns by stealing police cars, but that usually ends with me in the hospital, or worse being arrested and getting all the weapons taken away. I can buy submachine gun ammo, but none of the missions really pay off so I would just go broke.

Alright there I vented. now I have to get back to playing.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Friday, May 02, 2008


Well Pete and I are 20 minutes away from heading to VEGAS! I'm sure you will all be getting tons of teasing texts and pictures begging you to come out and enjoy the fun with us. Send us texts back reminding us of your favorite and lucky numbers and we'll be sure to bet them on the Roulette tables! I'll have a mai tai for you at the Mai Tai bar! Wish us luck!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Not As Good As It Was

Hey guys I went to Anchorage again this past tuesday - thursday. Let me tell you it wasn't that great this time. Maybe it was good last time cuz I never went anywhere in so long. There were some good spots but there were some bad spots. More bad I think. Bad 1) No cable in my apartment I was staying at for the whole time. Now I like to watch some TV a little also missing American Idol (Randy too bad about Carly). It's a healthy alternative rather than going somewhere and spending money you are trying to save. 2) Doctor saying I can't drink any soda. WHAT!? She's crazy. 3) Bush Company yes I went again and gotta couple of pics after I spent some money on Heiress. The problem was the photo booth messed up our pics till I used up 30 bucks. I am also looking at the screen and not at the lens. So in all of the pics I'm looking down. Maybe I'll scan them though. But the worst was 4) Kayla the girl I met at Fantasies the "Superstar" but wait I'm not mad at her. We couldn't go on a date cuz she was in Big Lake which is about 2 hours from Anchorage. She was busy taking care of her dad who if you don't remember is going through chemo like my Dad (who by the way is doing good he's not getting sick he's just more tired but still keep him in your thoughts). Anyways when I called her I learned she was with a girl called Kristy who she was telling Kristy stop that. Why cuz I'm your Mom. I thought Great this probably wont work. She still wanted to go out but she never told me this before. She can't go out late cuz of her kid and I don't know if I can go out with a girl who has a kid. She repeatedly told me she wish she could go out with me and hoped I wasn't mad at her (I repeatedly told her I wasn't). I told her I'll be there in May and we could try again and she was pretty much down for that. But now I ask you guys should I go out with her. There really is no commitment it's just a date we might end up not even wanting to go out again. But let me tell you some of the good stuff that happened 1) The good theater decided not to show any good movies and keep some cinematic gems like ( The Ruins, Shutter, Shine A Light ,and Leatherheads). So I had to go to a different theater and see some movies that I wanted to see like "Street Kings" and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". Now Street Kings wasn't that bad but you probably can figure what will happen after watching the movie for awhile. But I thought it wasn't bad. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was funny like all of the other Apatow movies. Now if you see the new commercial where it says there is a lot more funny parts than what is shown in the commercials: It is so true. 2) Got some good deals on stuff. Like 40 Year Old Virgin (best Apatow movie sorry Wedding Crashers fans). For only 5 bucks and brand new. I also decided to relive the good old days in Cali and got Joan Of Arcadia seasons 1 and 2 for 60 bucks. Now I can see myself and all of my extra friends and remember a simpler time. But that's it for the trip and now I'm back working at the Chamber getting stuff ready for events, looking for a new better job (got some prospects), and trying to work out a trip. What do you guys think of Vegas during Memorial Day weekend? Anyway talk to you guys later.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saving a Los Angeles Institution

In case you haven't heard, there is a new law in the City of Los Angeles that seeks to end the reign of the taco truck. Basically, they are not allowed to be parked in one spot for more than an hour. Now, this law may spread to the entire county. Take action!

Monday, April 21, 2008


why do some people love the a/c blasting away at night while being covered up to their necks in blankets? why not sleep with no blankets and be just as comfortable? matt and i are always at war over the air conditioner. i hate it. he loves it. maybe it's cuz i grew up with none... just the cool 'dena breeze wafting through the open windows. *sigh*... them were the days.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well its definately been a while since i've blogged. My apologies. Its gonna be super HOT this weekend. Its only 8am and i've got the air conditioner on.

So what's been going on with me lately? I'll tell ya! First i went to Texas a few weeks ago. It was really a good trip. Lots got accomplished. My sisters and I got fitted for bridesmaid dresses. That was an experience. Apparently they put you in a huge sized dress and then they get large binder clips to pull back the dress to show what it should look like. The dresses we got are very cool. I also got sick while i visited, but i managed. Then it was back to work....

But guess what, i'm not gonna talk about work because this is Life Outside The Rat Race!

Pete and I have Randy living with us. Its not that bad. My only thing is that i have to get used to closing the bedroom door and stuff when i change. No more walking around naked! But Randy is very good about taking out trash and clearing the dishwasher and just keeping his stuff in the places they belong. These will all be learning experiences i shall teach to make sure he survives on his own. Randy says he'll be getting his cell phone hooked up soon. But in the meantime, feel free to contact him at our home number. What else....

hey so i think its time to offically put on rotation Sunday Funday! The weather is getting great and the days are longer. I'm just throwing that out there.

Alright i'm going to get back to work. I got The Home Show this weekend. If anyone is interested in home stuff, come on down!!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


THIS IS A LONG POST.Hey guys I finally went on a business trip this past week. Some of you might know that I left working for the City to help my Dad and work for The Cordova Chamber Of Commerce and I went to anchorage this past week. I was working for the Chamber at THE GREAT ALASKAN SPORTSMAN'S SHOW! It's like a big trade show with various booths with different cities, rafting equipment, guns, fishing poles, and more things Alaskans use (yes Pete even Bear Spray containing testimonials about it). I was there to promote Cordova which is pretty cool I'm promoting a City. Anyway I was there with my Dad helping him because he doesn't have the strength to lift the things we had and I set everything up in our booth containing A huge velcro board for pictures , 8 boxes of ferry schedules, 4 boxes of cordova brochures, 3 boxes of prince william sound brochures, and other things. I talked to a lot of people and swayed them to come to Cordova along with Captain Ron and First Mate April who run a charter business, Harbormaster Dale Muma and City Receptionist Sue Muma, and Alaskan Realty head Linden O'Toole. But enough about my work being in Anchorage was great. I went to the dentist, bought some pants, went to chain restaurants (chili's, applebees, etc.) and indulged myself in many pleasures Cordova doesn't have. Most notably happy hour and gentlemen clubs. Look I know about the gentlemen clubs but c'mon I live in a place where the girls are too old or too young I need to go to see some women my age. I know they just want my money and I'm not trying to date them but give me a break. But these clubs are a lot different then the ones I'm used to in Cali. 1) Alcohol is served and it's not 5 bucks for a small coke. 2) Laps are only topless and no hands. 3) The DJ's play full songs which came in handy cuz I got a lap from a girl during some long songs. Anyway the first one I went to was the best rated one called THE GREAT ALASKAN BUSH COMPANY SHOW CLUB it was pretty good with some lookers but I only went form 4- 6 during my Dad's nap and then after dinner he told me he was going to sleep like at 9 so I went again after 9 is the time even though thee more people there were also more girls and better looking. But they are also more freaky such as one girl named Heiress (supposedly she's a heir to a fortune her family has her real name is Letoria) after 2 laps asked if I had a $1,000 dollars cuz if I did I could have sex with her and her girlfriend (she doesn't like to"work" alone). I said no (but I did but if i gave her the money) I would have not a lot in my bank account, didn't know if we had to do it the apartment where I and my Dad were staying, and I didn't know these girls they could've drugged me and I would wake up in a tub of ice. After some laps from Heiress I was about to leave when a girl named Yasmine came and again as I was getting some laps she offered me some sex by asking how much money I had. I told her about $100 but I could get more and she started to tell me if I got more we would have sex at her place she said she would pretend to be sick and we could leave. Then she came back and said She couldn't leave (sure) I said ok, luckily I didn't pay her. She said it was all that bitches fault and pointed to Heiress. I said ok and I left. As I left Heiress grabbed me and told me to go to her myspace profile and if I ever wanted to have a good time I know where to find her and then kissed my cheek. I wiped it off after I left. Heiress was a lot cooler I felt. The other days I was there was filled with shopping, working, happy hour at the Peanut Farm ( a sports bar), and mad that someone stole $200 from our apartment. I left it on the entrance table and I came back and it was gone but the laptop was still there so I think I lost it but I looked around and couldn't find it. My Dad left on friday and was coming back on monday so I after work i was free to do whatever. I said to myself no strip clubs till Sunday but that didn't last. On saturday I had the late shift at the show which ended at 9 so I got to see UCLA get creamed and then had to work with a plastic smile. So when I was done I went to the Peanut Farm and had some drinks then I decided hey I'll go down a block to the Bush Company. I spent more money and Heiress wasn't working. After that sobered me up I tried my luck at a different club which was Fantasies on 5th #2 rated. Now this club was on the news and no someone was not killed or anything. They passed some ordinance about military people not being able to come even though the close proximity to the Air Force base but the ban was lifted anyway. It was alright less people, less girls, and smaller. But this is the place I met Kayla a girl who had Big starts going down her right side to her feet and some smaller stars on her front right shoulder blade with a star necklace and dangling star navel piercing which prompted me to ask whats with all the stars to which she brightly answered Cuz I'm a Superstar. Really hot too with some facial piercings including 2 on her tongue. This girl was really nice after 1 dance she talked to me after which is a lot different than when a girl talks to you before. Anyways we talked then she was wondering when I was leaving I told her tuesday and she said damn. I asked her why and she said she would like to go out with me. I asked her like on a date or for you know and she said a date. I told her I would be back like almost every other week and she told me her number and that I better call her. I said I would and it turns out that her Dad also is going to chemo just like mine. Well on sunday was the last day of the show it was pretty busy because everyone decided to come the last day cuz the weather was good and it showed by having all the parking lots full of cars. When it was done we teared down everything and that went pretty quick. So what was I going to do the rest of the day? Let me tell you Hollywood is the one to blame cuz they can't release any good movies out. But anyways I saw the girls one last time. I also didn't spend all the money I had with me. Then on monday dad came back and we just did normal stuff like go to costco and then on tuedsay he had his chemo and then we came back. So now I know all about Anchorage and where to go. But I can't wait till I go soon and have my date with Kayla. There's also finally some movies coming out that I want to see. Well I'll be sure to tell you what happens.