Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Here I am

This is my first blog on Rat Race. Thank you for having me. Its been a crazy week here at work. Since i have an ulcer i'm trying to lay off the caffine, so that means no coffee. And since i'm not drinking coffee in the morning at work, i get started working first thing. When i use to drink coffee i would actually start working around 10am or so. So now that i'm starting at 8:45am i'm still super busy. I can't figure out why though. And it doesn't make my day go by any faster either. So on that note i'm moving on to another subject. Hey Pete wanna go to Disneyland this Friday? Pete's been kinda down these last few days so i thought maybe going to the "Happiest Place on Earth" might help. Its free remember Pete. ..........So i'm here typing and relaxing finally, when all of a sudden something has to go out FedEx. I fucking hate last minute shit!!! Hate it. My day is very specifically planned on a time line. And when that gets messed up then its a domino effect. This is why my job sucks. Clocks and Calendars. Well the computer is acting weird as i type this so i'm going to stop now. Enjoy the day everyone!

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