Thursday, May 19, 2005

What Would You Do?

What would you do if you woke up one morning and your butt hole had healed over?

P.S. Lauri's nickname has been officially changed to "Sexy Ninja"


Lauri said...

Thanks Pete for the new nickname. Anything is better than "Big Deez".

So now to the question at hand. If i woke up and my butt hole had healed over i think i would first off freak out. Then i think i would get a sharp knife ok i wouldn't do that. I guess i would run to the hospital of course. How about you Pete? I think i'll ask sheila this question as well.

Anonymous said...

why is lauri the "sexy ninja" now? :o nevermind...i don't think i want to know.

i've made up a poem to answer your question pete:

if i woke up one morning with a healed over poop chute,
i'd become bulimic so nothing would exit that route.

Pete said...

That poem is to good for the comment page I'm moving to the front page.