Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Time to Panic

Was Luke Skywalker really prepared to be the last of the Jedi and to re-establish the Jedi order? I mean...what did he really do between the time that Obi-wan and Yoda told him he wasn't ready and the time when Yoda dies and he tells Luke "The last of the Jedi will you be." Am I the only one worried about this? What happens if the Empire starts to take hold again. Is one partially trained Jedi gonna hold them at bay? Because you know Han and Leia are off on their Honeymoon. Chewie is rocking the Wookie tip, he's got to get some sometime. We just don't know the end of the story, you know it happened along time ago. Maybe the New Republic eventually fell and the Empire has spread from a galaxy far far away to this galaxy. Maybe they are out there right now. Maybe our moon really isn't a moon...its a space station. I mean do you see any Jedi's around now? NO! You ever think about that? huh? huh?

1 comment:

Pete said...

Pete, when it comes to Star Wars you are he Frickin MAN! No one has a better grasp of the Star Wars Uninverse than you do. And your insights are not only witty, they are very astute.