Thursday, May 26, 2005

OK Rededication

Alright I realize it has been a vey long time since I said anything. Besides how much Pete writes. Reading the posts today thought I realized I had been missing interesting conversations. So I am going to make a more concerted effort to write every day because I don't think Pete and Lauri should have to keep the blog goin alone. Oh yeah Sheila too. BTW Sheila DVR is the devil. But if you like TV and have nothing else to do I recommend it highly. Try to resist though, you will end up like me staying up till 4AM watching season finales and just random shows you like.
So what's new?? Well I should be doing homework due later today but I just can't get motivated. It is like I can see the finish line but I don't really feel like running anymore. Which if you know me pretty much sums me up in a nutshell. I don't put too much effort into anything for the most part. Unless it involves watching TV.
It is SO HOT, right now I am in my brother's room because that happens to be where the Internet connection is which has got to change but anyway and it is HOT in here. I don't want to get into details but it is OH SO HOT!
So yesterday I pretty much sat around all day waiting to go to work. I had to ride the bus because Alex was working. So I sat around watched 2 episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on FX. Then I started walking around the apartment till that got old decided I had sweated enough and took a shower. After my shower I got ready fro work and went to go catch the bus.
It was hot outsided waiting for the bus but I survived and eventually the bus came and I got on. It was kinda weird to me as I looked at the other passengers. I would have to say I was not only the youngest person on the bus but also the only white person on the bus. This doesn't alarm me or make me worry just an observation. It made me realize how much I want a car but oh well gotta wait till end of June and then I get to drive home all the way from Alaska. WOW I am all over the place today I have no continuity I am just writing whatever pops in my head. Ok back to yesterday.
So once I got to work I just did the usual work stuff. Pete seemed like he was in a bad mood, were you? Pretty much it more or less sucked except for...hmmm should I tell you? Might as well not really that interesting just wanted you to think it was. Sara from Catering wants to go see "Star Wars 3" with me. However I forgot to get her digits and unless I missed something she doesn't have mine either. So I am kind of assed out now. This always happens to me though. The whole fucking world is against me, dude. Who know maybe something amazing will happen and somehow my number will fall into her hands, unlikely though. Oh well fuck it.
So when I got home last night I started doing what I do every night. Watch TV! This is my element. So when I got home I was taping two shows so I couldn't change the cahannel the only downside of my DVR. Anyway so I watched the second half of "Alias" which is a good thing you will find out later. Then there was nothing else worth watchin so I looked up saved TV and realized I had not seen the finale of "24" so play it. Alex got home towards the end of it and was kind of mad about it but I was bored and tired of waiting. After the 2 hour finale was over it was probably around 12:30 or so(guessing). I decided to watch an episode of "SVU" I had saved. It was okay not one of their better works but not bad. During that Alex went to bed he had to work this morning at 6AM. So he needed his sleep. After "SVU" I still wasn't tired it is around 1:30 or so now. So I started the season finale "Lost" it was good I guess. The thing I hate about certain show season finales is they end right at the point when you want to know what happens. I know I know that's the point, the cliffhanger. FUCK that I want to know what happens right now. I am not very patient in certain maters. I can't stand things that don't conclude. Come to an ending then move on. Anyway at the end of "Lost" I still wasn't tired but went to bed anyway. By the time I had a cigarette and got all situated and in bed it was 4AM. No big deal. But then suddenly...
So I am going to sign off for now with no real conclusion, because although I hate watching cliffhangers, I don't mind creating them. Gotta make you guys want it. If you want it make some comments. Stay tuned!! PEACE OUT.


Anonymous said...

i wanna know! what happened when you got into bed at 4am randy?

Pete said...

you probably don't wanna know what Randy does in bed at 4am.