Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Verbal Poop (and some real poop too.)

Man tonight sucks. The whole day sucks. I drank too much yesterday and woke up in a beer soaked haze trying to get schoolwork dont that should have been done last week. I'm at work right now and I fel like crap. Not sick really just hungover stupid like I'm mentally impaired or something. Im supposed to be writing a paper on the effects of liberalism after the French Revolution but everything I write sounds like it was written by a fourth grader. I have a page so far and I've pretty much given up on writing any more of it tonight. I'll start up again tommorow when I'm smart again.
After suffering through the last lecture of my anthropology class today i went and got some greasy food and then went to Randy's (who is crazy by the way, we had been drinking all day and this fool decides he wants more. You should have taken that whole 20 pack that ended up in lauri's fridge. He also forgot to tell you how in our drunken wisdom we walked from Lauri's to Tim's with open beer cans in our hands. Its only a block and wouldn't be a huge deal but Lauri lives in a town where the police would have driven us to Down Town LA and booked us into county. It happened to Danny, they didn't put him in county but they told him to piss himself in the back of a squad car, true story.)to recover my senses. Randy was watching Buffy the Vampire Salyer which wasn't my cup of tea so I went to Lauri's to take a nap before I had to go to work. I didn't work my boss paged me and wanted me to write an incident report about the other night. Long Story. After that I went to work and her I am still feeling like crap watching the minutes tick by. But don't cry for me Argentina all this suffering is my own fault. You see as Master Yoda teaches us: fear leads to anger, anger leads to suffering and suffering leads to the dark side. Something like that. The force is strong with me and I will make it through this shift. Right now I just really want to take these damn work clothes off I hate wearing ties. Well thats all for now I'm gonna take a walk and get outta here like Vladimir.

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