Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Movie Day

So I saw hitchhiker's guide for the second time today. So Lauri could see it, having been over her case of the shits for some time now. The thing that strikes me most about the movie compared to the book is that the Earth comes back at the end. And not just the planet but all the people on it. I suspect this was not in Douglas Adams version of the screenplay. In the book the new Earth isn't close to being finished and it gets abandoned anyway. But even if they did finish it it would have taken another ten million years to get to the point where it left off. One thing the ariters of the movie forgot is that the Earth, at the time of its destruction was a giant computer program whose purpose was to find the ultimate question and who was five minutes away from doing that. So if the Magratheans bring it back exactly as it was the Earth should yeild the ultimate question. Oh well, its only a huge gaping plot point that will have consequences into the sequal. More than that though I think I always admired what a ballsy move it was for Adams to just get rid of Earth. One of the funniest aspects of the book is that no really besides Arthur really gives shit that the Earth is gone. Its just Adams' way of saying "Hey on a Universal Scheme we just aren't that important. I Love that and thats whats missing from the movie. Movie makers are just scared that moviegoers won't be able to handle that sort of deep thought. I still kind of liked the movie though. I also say Kingdom of Heaven today. Yep, I did it..two movies in one day. It's amazing I don't work in movies. Anyway Kingdom of Heaven was steaming pile of crap. Well I should qualify that. It wasn't a bad movie like say Attack of the Clones was but it wasn't a good movie either like Gladiator. You realize halfway through that no matter the outcome you won't give a shit. You haven't gotten to know any of the characters well enough to care what happens to them. Ridlwy Scott is good director but think he picked a bad script this time.
i just finished an 11 page paper on Ecotoursim... go ahead ask me anything about ecotourism. It felt good to get that thing in. Well I guess thats it for now.

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