Wednesday, October 12, 2005

mind games

Last night i couldn't fall asleep at my usual bed time. I stayed up watching ATHF with Pete so that i wouldn't be just laying in bed doing tons of thinking. I hate that ya know! And i do it every single night. I try to be in bed by 11pm or so and then when i get there i usually lay in the dark thinking and thinking and thinking. Ah it drives me nuts! So since Pete was over i decided to forget about bed. Then later in the night i woke up and got a drink of water and went to the bathroom. When i got back to bed my mind wasn't awake or something cuz i couldn't comprehend how people sleep. I was very close to waking up Pete and asking him how does he sleep. Like there's an explaination? Apparently was getting insanly confused with sleeping and work. Yep i thought that when people go to sleep they have to put a kit together. When i say "kit" i mean what i do all day. I put together stuff all day long. So i thought that i needed and Pete had already, put the kit together in order to get to sleep. It made more sense in my head, but now that i'm typing it, it doesn't make sense. Well that's what happens when you sleep walk, right? You think your awake but your mind isn't. This even happend to me earlier in the month. I started talking nonsense to Pete in the middle of the night. My brain must be fried.


Jeff said...

I have listened to the radio at night since I was maybe 7-8 years old. It gives my brain something to do while I am sleeping. I'm not kidding. However, I can sleep fine if Amanda is there. I'm assuming that my brain thinks about her taking the blankets so I can sleep.

Amanda Jane said...

I love sleepwalking stories. Melanie has some funny ones. Once she went into my parents' room in the middle of the night and got out a bunch of rolls of toilet paper from their cupboard and started taking them to her room.