Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hell Yeah...

Hell yeah I was in a bad mood last night. Those Fucking Hearing Aid devices had me fucking pissed off. I've been barking about those things to anyone who will listen all season and still no one gives a shit. I give them out 'cause no one else is at the front desk, so when they don't work people comeback to me pissed off. When things go well in the Civic that stupid bitch of a boss of yours takes all the credit and when things go bad I have to deal with it. Plus all the sound problems were pissing me off especially since Al keeps blowing me off. I thought I had a good relationship with him but he has ignored me for the last time. For this whole season I've been taking shit from patrons because of his crew's screw ups. Plus I was pissed because no one was where they were supposed to be. Marcus was supposed to be splitting but was in the lobby most of the night. Tammy was supposed to be floating and was talking to Marcus. The balcony supervisor "ahem" was down stairs for the first half of the lecture, leaving the balcony manned by a bunch of incompetant fucks. Our house manager was having a lovely time in her office selling Mary Kay and telling Lauri that she noticed that Lauri has zits. Plus I've been pissed off in general lately so it doesn't take much to send me over the edge. There comes a point every year where I get sick of that job becuase I'm not working enough and the shows I am working are shitty. There is a cycle to the convention business and it goes like this. Serious Tradeshows and Theatre Events Sept. through March. Crap tradeshows and crap events in general May to June. Meetings only June to Sept. Right now we are in the crap tradeshow and crap events period.


Anonymous said...

hey pete:
when you're feeling down, just say "llllleeeeeeeeeezzaarrdd!"

Lauri said...

Last night was bad. I couldn't believe the problems. Pete you forget that all the problems started with the bells not working and you had to use the mic. I knew it wasn't going to be smooth sailing starting then. And Kristin, wow that woman has nerve. I felt so bad after she said that. And then she made an interesting remark, she said, "and your sister's face doesn't break out right?" where in god's name did she get info like that? i'm almost glad that there isn't a lot of work. i can get sick of that place pretty quick these days!