Friday, July 01, 2005


Hi everybody. Now you say "Hi" back. Excellent. So another Friday is upon us and the weekend has begun. Now the topics shift from work to what to do especially since it is the 4th of July weekend. This weekend we celebrate out Independence Day! Just like Bill Pullman said in ID4.
Anyway so today Pete has to work till like 8pm and Lauri has to work till like 10 or so I am guessing. So that means it it me and my brother till then. I don't really have any idea what we are doing. Probably watch TV which is beginning to annoy me. You know how you can only do something so long before it just starts to annoy you beyond all belief. Well TV is getting there, nothing good is ever on. It is amazing I know it's summer and all. I get like one good night of Tv a week the rest of the time SUCKS! Somebody back me up here, am I alone?
Anyway I am looking forward to this weekend because I think Tim is having a thing at his pad on Sunday for the 4th although I am not sure so don't quote me boy I ain't said nothing yet. To the regulars who read this blog you should be there.
I leave with you with one question: What is the meaning of life? Somebody help me out...

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