Tuesday, July 12, 2005

tuesdays suck: volume 2

what the hell is it about tuesdays? you know, lauri and i used to have workdays where the hours went by so fast we'd call it a "time warp". tuesdays are the polar opposite.

megan and i went to a basics training class last night for our new girl scout troop. i swear... this is the mother of all schkemes! a super schkeme. the only difference is that i can't back out! so we were broken up into groups and given handouts to work on. i hate that shit. not to mention the fact that megan and i were seperated. anyhow, we had to come up with resolutions to scenarios like: "your girls all decided they want to go on a saturday hike. but suzie is in a wheelchair. what do you do?" megan was in the funny group. i could overhear them and those broads were ruthless! one lady said to kick suzie out! lol. but my group members were all serious. this one chick, shannon, was like, "oh this is easy. i work for the forestry service. ever since the americans with disabilities act passed, we enforce wheelchair accessible paved hiking trails blah blah blah..." *sigh* it was a long meeting.

but tonight, my friends, is our inaugural dinner night! so i'll see you all then.


Lauri said...

OH MY GOD! I would walk out. Hey Pete, what are your feelings towards group work again??

Randy said...

Don't get him started Lauri

Pete said...

What happened to Volume 1?

Pete said...

Nevermind I found it. The last one was called "Tuesdays Stink"