Monday, July 11, 2005

Long time no posts

So I know it has been like forever since my last post. I have been too busy doing nothing. People don't realize how much effort doing nothing really takes. You have to find little things to plan your day around or else you lose track and ten you end up actually doing something. Thus negating the doing nothing policy.
Anyway a lot has happened since I last posted but since you have been keeping up with reading the blog I don't need to reiterate everything you have already read. However I am going to elaborate on the weekend and how much fun I had.
So the weekend for me pretty much started on Thursday with The Seamus Special. BTW look to the future post of pics of the night. That will be one for the ages. I am not going to talk about cause Pete pretty much summed it up with a great post.
The there was Friday more or less very unexciting. Pete had to work that night so basically when he got off Lauri, Pete and I went to Tower Records but found nothing good. Then we went to Tommy's came back to my house, they ate and we just hung out. Then they went home and that was my Friday.
On Saturday Pete had to work again this time though I had something to do. During the day on Saturday I sorta cleaned up, I picked up a bunch of crap on the floor and tidied up a little. I am going to spend this week cleaning everything cause my apartment need to be in tip-top shape when dinner night moves here. So rather than do it all last minute I figure plan ahead then keep it clean. Smart I know. Moving along though Saturday night my brother and I went to The Crown and met up with Lauri and Sheila. I had a good time it was nice to get out of the house and chill with good friends. I drank a lot and had chicken fingers it was a good time.
Sunday I was really looking forward to. It went pretty much according to plan. We got to Tims house a little before 3 and immediately I started drinking as usual. Some people were there getting ready for the softball game Lauri alluded to in her previous post. Eventually we all rolled over to Sierra Madre and watched them play softball. It was fun I had a good time. I will reserve any derogatory comments about the other team for myself. As well as any derogatory comments I want to make about a certain person in the stands with us. Anybody who was with us knows who I am refering to. No need to spell it out. After the game we went back to Tim's house a little bummed cause they lost but everybody had a good time and really that is all that matters. At Tim's house we started drinking and ordered a grip of pizza, buffalo wings and salad. It was very tasty. We just continued doing that (drinking) till the night closed in. Once I was fully satisfied with my drinking I headed home and went to bed. Great night.
So in summation this was a very good weekend. It was awesome Sheila got to make it out, I haven't seen her in like 3 years. just kidding. I got to hang out with all my buds on Sunday and what could be better than that.

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