Friday, July 08, 2005

The Seamus Special

Last night at Randy's was a fucking rager. We were determined to do someting other than watch TV but we didn't know what to do. I claimed that if Randy only had a little vodka around I could come up with some good ideas. So Randy said that if I would drive to the store he would buy the vodka. So I agreed and we got a bottle of Absolut. When we got back I'm not sure how it happened we decided to play a little poker with a $5 buy in. The only problem was that Alex refused to buy in with paper money so he gathered $5 in nickels and dimes. Poker was awesome, we listened to a little G n' R and a little Weezer. Two very important things came out of that game. The first was Alex's new nickname. He is now and forever to be called "Seamus" (pronounced Shay-mus) or just "Irish" for those of you who are like me and are into racial slurs against western Europeans. I've also been given a nickname (Pete the Pirate) but I don't think its gonna stick. The other important thing is that we learned how to use a new word. Corpulent. It means fat.
Nay way I cleaned those fuckers out in poker. Actually, I cleaned Randy out but Alex was down and quit before the game was over so he walked away with a couple of bucks in change. I feel bad for cleaning Randy out since he paid for the Vodka, but what the hell he'll get me next time.
We've decided that once a week one of us is going to cook for the others at someone's house. Lauri and Sheila you're in this too. The first one will be next week sometime and will be at Lauri's house. I will be cooking chicken fingers and French fries. More on that to come.
What else can I say about last night? I don't know we played some bones and Seamus beat us very badly. I think it was because I was too drunk to reason clearly at that point.
SHIT! I almost forgot our walking trip to 7/11. A drunken schkeme if there ever was one. Randy bought a 40 of Mickey's even and some flamin hot cheetos. Alex got a slurpee. I got a bottle of Gatorade, hostess cupcakes and some porkrinds. It was great. We were taking pictures last night with a roll of film that Randy bought so you'll get to see a photo journal of the whole thing someday. We forgot to take the camera to 7/11 so we could get a picture with the clerk but thats probably for the best.

Shiela what the hell is a tchotckie. And be careful when you offer your place for a party because we'll come over. Don't think we won't....because we will. What happens in Upland stays in Upland.

1 comment:

Randy said...

What a night!!