Monday, July 11, 2005

my first game...ever!

Well guys I did it, sorta. I'm on an actual team! A softball team. Ya know I was and still am not a big fan of playing or even watching baseball or softball. Its just not my first choice of a sport I'd like to play. But this team has all my friends in it. I mean practically all of my friends. And those who are not on the team are in the bleachers. Its fun. I however suck ass. There is no way to describe how shitty I felt when I struck out the first time I went up to bat. And another scary fact about how I know nothing of playing this sport, when I went up to bat the very first time ever during a game that actually had rules and scoring (not a game you play with family at Easter when your 11) I didn't know if I had to stand in the box or outside of the box with the plate. Pretty bad huh? I was very close to even asking the umpire where I stand but decided to stand in the box. I remembered that the pitcher won't throw the ball if you stand outside cuz that means your not ready yet. So I totally struck out and felt absolutely horrible. Apparently as the game went on my energy level dropped and it was noticeable. I just felt like I wasn't keeping up with everyone else, in many ways. I couldn't hit the ball, I couldn't throw, I couldn't catch. And the worst thing about it is that I'm one of five girls on the team and I'm practically always up to bat. I guess I should practice and lift weights too cuz I am so sore today. My arms hurt and my ribs hurt. We ended up losing the game but not by much, which was cool. Our next game isn't for another couple of weeks, I should practice. I'd like to thank those who came out to support me and the team. We definitely heard your cheers! Especially me. :)

1 comment:

Randy said...

Lauri you did a great job considering it was pretty much your first time playing softball. I know you'll get better. You rock!