Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Warning and an Ultimatum...

I don't like to see this lull in postings. I know we're all very busy but lets keep our priorities straight shall we. I went hiking the last couple of days to first water. You think that hike would be cake after Half Dome (yes, I'm still talking about half dome) but yesterday it kicked my ass, probably because it was 90 degrees out and I had like 10 beers the day before. Apparently I'm a bad influence on Lauri because her mom thinks she drinks too much. All this time I've been saying that Lauri doesn't drink enough. Here's a question to bring us all down..."Do we drink too much? " We (at least me and Randy) get drunk generally once a week. Is that too much for people our age. Are we desperately trying to hold on to our college age years and living the lives of high school kids? Did all of us nerds in highschool miss something that we are now making up for? Sometimes I think so. Would we all be rich and successful if our clarity of mind were maintained for more that 4 days in a row? Think about it. I mean Really think about it.

P.S. WHO'S UP FOR HUMPDAY HAPPY HOUR!! (wink wink, nudge nudge!)


Randy said...

That's bullshit Pete. I will hear no more of this "drink too much" hogwash.

Lauri said...

Am i a lush? :(

Pete said...

No but you are Lucsious!