Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Wassup peoples? It's Wednesday, for people who actually have a job it means the week is half over. Go you important people!
So again I am sitting at home doing nothing. You must be getting tired of me saying that. But it's true. I guess I could go watch TV but don't want to. So I am here instead. Unfortunately listening to iTunes with nothing to write and sweating not as much fun as I had imagined. I could go somewhere if I owned a vehicle but that's right I don't own a vehicle. Damn this blows.
You know what though I am complaining now cause I have nothing to do but if and when I get a real job I will complain then cause I have to go to work. It is impossible for me to be happy, wow that was deep.
I don't know I am on such a downer tip right now. I am sorry I should be more positive who wants to read a post about how I am impossible to make happy. So on to more positive things:
  1. Dinner night was a clear success I would say. I think everyone would agree with me on that. Comments are welcome.
  2. My ticket to Alaska was finalized yesterday and I am departing July 21. Finally I will have a car and be able to look for a job.
  3. It's late-night hump day happy hour at the Crown tonight. I won't be there but have fun
  4. I finally got my paycheck today and realized how little I get paid.
  5. The Gorillaz are telling me to feel good.

Ok so that was pretty much the highlight of the blog. As I said dinner night was a success and I look forward to next week. It's my turn isn't it? If so not so excited cause I have to come up with something but have no fear I will and it will be good hopefully. Ok I got to go now cause Coldplay is on now and if I stay on too long I will get depressed again and start bringing everyone down with me. Have a great day people and remember to spay and neuter your pets. Bye bye!!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Dang Randy your blogs make me feel....well anyways, cheer up.