Thursday, June 16, 2005

Itchy Scratchy's

Something in my house is eating me alive! I have bites all over me. I came to work this morning with four new scratching bites. Its driving me nuts. Sheila said its spider bites cuz it has two marks next to each other. I have two on my feet, one on my hand, two on my arm, one on my leg and one on my hip. How can i have spiders? I hate bugs, they don't stay in my apt. that long. I make Pete get them out! I have got to vacuum my house when i get home. aaahhh it itches!!!!


Lauri said...

well its not my fault. :( i'm a clean person!

Randy said...

HA HA HA! I have no bites and I live in squalor. Take that!

Lauri said...

man Randy, no need to be mean!