Thursday, August 04, 2005

give me some of your tots...

i've got this friend who lives in sacramento and works for a laboratory that does business with us. anyway, he's one of those people who takes a joke and runs wild with it. basically to the point of killing it. last time he was down here for a visit, we rented napoleon dynamite. and ever since then, it's been one reference after another. thank god that movie was funny or i'd really be in trouble. a couple days ago, he sent me a package in the mail. inside: a burned cd he's been promising me for a month and a napoleon dynamite t-shirt. it's got a plate of tater tots with "give me some of your tots" written around the plate in ketchup. i laughed.

on a related subject, i've been reading articles lately on the current nerd revolution. it's cool to be uncool. in fact, the dorkier the better. so i guess my time is now- thankfully i've never cared much what other people think of me. but i doubt meeting guys is possible wearing tapered leg jeans.

the aforementioned cd that mr. superflous sent: three cheers for sweet revenge by my chemical romance. i give it two thumbs up- or is that rating limited to the big screen? anyway, i highly recommend it. those poor guys are obviously very bitter but it makes for a good album.

lauri and pete ventured out to upland yesterday for dinner night at my place: baked salmon and garlic smashed potatoes. we actually sat around the dinner table like well adjusted adults discussing life and times in southern california. the cool evening breeze was a-blowin' and the beers kept a-flowin'. and so did the conversation apparently because before we knew it, the three of us cleaned up on an entire pound cake that was for dessert.

starting tonight, i'm dogsitting at megan and doug's until sunday. they're going up to oakland for doug's cousin's wedding. she's been engaged three times- to the same guy! and if you think that's weird, doug's the officiant! he has marrying powers for 24 hours after taking an oath or something. so if anyone wants to get married this saturday... anyway, it's just me and benny for the weekend. maybe i'll fill up his little wading pool and watch his splash around in it- that's always fun. lauri said she's coming over to take advantage of the free laundry facilities. then sunday, hopefully i can make it out to watch the 5-11's play ball. they've got to win eventually, right?

from now on, i think my posts will have the same format: a couple paragraphs of my goings on and then a message to each member of the rat race. i noticed that you used this same format, alex. keep reading for your special message about that.

randy: you had salmon last night too? what a coinkiedink! what's up with you and your 'lil bro having untitled posts? oh- do you like our new caption? cuz you wanted a change and i suggested to pete that he use that quote- is that the lightheartedness you were aiming for? and by the way, it's like 100 degrees here. don't believe the weather man.

alex: my format is hereby patented. let's consider that your freebie. of course you were joking about the chicken breasts. and i'm sorry i called you a schizo. have fun on the 7th heaven set.

pete: let me know what you think about a very long engagement. i'm wanting to see it too. that little french chick is in another movie (i may have already told you about it) called he loves me, he loves me not. pretty trippy. your blogging experiment sounds like a terrific idea. i should try my own starting first thing in the morning and with coffee instead of alcohol. then you'll get a better grasp on how our schkemes develop. and lastly, i get the impression you are having trouble dealing with everyone's poor punctuation skills. does that mean i should start using capital letters? my pinkies hate the shift keys.

tim: is it performace anxiety? i'm dying to read your first blog. or as jeff so eloquently put it, "popping his cherry."

lauri: no hard feelings over my comments on the 5-11's. i feel a win coming soon. hey- you know how pete wants you to get a metal knee replacement? they should just amputate and you can get a wooden peg leg! then we'll give you a cool pirate name. arrrgh!

i apologize for my severe verbal diarrhea. or literary diarrhea as it were.


Pete said...

punctuation's not a problem for me except in Alex's case when it makes his blogs nonsensical. And don't forget that you also called him a perv as well as a schizo. Its okay he had them both coming.

Randy said...

Good post Sheila. i didn't even realize I had not title I am going to go change that now. I thought it looked a bit off...