Thursday, August 11, 2005

I hate the Ford

So, the agony begins. I've just agreed to House manage the Ford on Saturday. I hate that fucking theatre. I figure I'll just keep an eye onthis while the regular staff does thier thing...But, of course, thats not my style. If there is one thng I've learned over the years of managing events its that if you want anything done right, you do it yourself. So I'll be running like a chicken with its head cut off making sure things are getting done. Of course, it would have to be one of the most hectic shows of the season that they want me to work wouldn't it? Okay so I'm sucking it up and making a little money this week end. Okay, its going to be fine. Okay...Okay....

One more thing. The thing about the Ford that no one realizes and no one believes is that there is so much potential to for some one to get hurt. I mean physically hurt. There are so many triggers there its unbelieveable. They sell you unlimited amouts of alcohol for as long as five hours straight. And you are allowed to bring as much alcohol with you as you like. If you don't like the show and want to leave early or have an emergency and want to leave early? Not possible, stacked parking. What if you took the shuttle and want to get back to your car before midnight? Not possible. Shuttles go back and forth between the Ford and Universal city in hollywood bowl traffic. One shuttle trip can take as long as one half hour. Imagine how mad you might get if you were at the back of the line. What if the person next to you has had too much to drink and wants to fight because you looked at him wrong? who's gonna stop him. The 70 year old usher or the 12 year old usher. Take your pick we have both. (i'm not exagerating we have 12 year old ushers) Thats why I hate the Ford.


Jeff said...

Bring a taser. Not one of those pussy hand-held self defense deals but the kind that shoots little claws and shocks the target as many times as possible. Find the first person to get out of hand and hit him with 20,000 volts. Then whip out taser #2 and yell "Whose next motherfuckers!! Now sit down and shut the fuck up!" Works for me in the classroom.

Lauri said...

I'm sorry your so worried about it. It'll be fine though. Just think, if it goes ok then you can blog about how wrong you were about it....right?